
lief.pdb.load(path: str) lief.pdb.DebugInfo | None

Load the PDB from the given path


class lief.pdb.DebugInfo

Bases: DebugInfo

This class provides an interface for PDB files.

One can instantiate this class using lief.pdb.load() or lief.pdb.DebugInfo.from_file()

property age int

The number of times the PDB file has been written.

property compilation_units Iterator[lief.pdb.CompilationUnit | None]

Iterator over the CompilationUnit from the PDB’s DBI stream. CompilationUnit are also named “Module” in the PDB’s official documentation

find_public_symbol(self, name: str) lief.pdb.PublicSymbol | None

Try to find the PublicSymbol from the given name (based on the public symbol stream) The function returns None if the symbol can’t be found.

debug_info: lief.pdb.DebugInfo = ...
if sym := debug_info.find_public_symbol("MiSyncSystemPdes"):
find_type(self, name: str) lief.pdb.Type | None

Find the type with the given name

from_file(filepath: str) lief.pdb.DebugInfo | None = <nanobind.nb_func object>
property guid str

Unique identifier of the PDB file.

property public_symbols Iterator[lief.pdb.PublicSymbol | None]

Return an iterator over the public symbol stream.

property types Iterator[lief.pdb.Type | None]

Return an iterator over the different types registered in this PDB file


class lief.pdb.CompilationUnit

Bases: object

This class represents a Compilation Unit (or Module) in a PDB file

property functions Iterator[lief.pdb.Function | None]

Return an iterator over the function defined in this compilation unit. If the PDB does not contain or has an empty DBI stream, it returns an empty iterator.

property module_name str

Name (or path) to the COFF object (.obj) associated with this compilation unit (e.g. e:\obj.amd64fre\minkernel\ntos\hvl\mp\objfre\amd64\hvlp.obj)

property object_filename str

Name of path to the original binary object (COFF, Archive) in which the compilation unit was located before being linked. e.g. e:\obj.amd64fre\minkernel\ntos\hvl\mp\objfre\amd64\hvl.lib

property sources Iterator[str]

Iterator over the sources files that compose this compilation unit. These files include headers (.h, .hpp, …).


class lief.pdb.PublicSymbol

Bases: object

This class provides general information (RVA, name) about a symbol from the PDB’s public symbol stream (or Public symbol hash stream)

property RVA int

Relative Virtual Address of this symbol.

This function returns 0 if the RVA can’t be computed.

property demangled_name str

Demangled representation of the symbol

property name str

Name of the symbol

property section_name str

Name of the section in which this symbol is defined (e.g. .text). This function returns an empty string if the section’s name can’t be found


class lief.pdb.Function

Bases: object

property RVA int

The Relative Virtual Address of the function

property code_size int

The size of the function

property debug_location lief.debug_location_t

Original source code location.

property name str

Name of the function

property section_name str

The name of the section in which this function is defined


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Function, lief._lief.pdb.types.Interface, lief._lief.pdb.types.Pointer, lief._lief.pdb.types.Union, lief._lief.pdb.types.Enum, lief._lief.pdb.types.Modifier, lief._lief.pdb.types.ClassLike, lief._lief.pdb.types.Simple, lief._lief.pdb.types.BitField, lief._lief.pdb.Type, lief._lief.pdb.types.Class, lief._lief.pdb.types.Structure, lief._lief.pdb.types.Array
class lief.pdb.Type

Bases: object

class KIND(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

ENUM = 4
property kind lief.pdb.Type.KIND

Discriminator for the type’s subclasses


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Array
class lief.pdb.types.Array

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_ARRAY PDB type.

Attribute (type)

Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Attribute
class lief.pdb.types.Attribute

Bases: object

This class represents an attribute (LF_MEMBER) in an aggregate (class, struct, union, …)

property field_offset int

Offset of this attribute in the aggregate

property name str

Name of this attribute.

property type lief.pdb.Type | None

Type of this attribute


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.BitField
class lief.pdb.types.BitField

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_BITFIELD PDB type


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Interface, lief._lief.pdb.types.Union, lief._lief.pdb.types.ClassLike, lief._lief.pdb.types.Class, lief._lief.pdb.types.Structure
class lief.pdb.types.ClassLike

Bases: Type

This class abstracts the following PDB types: LF_STRUCTURE, LF_INTERFACE, LF_CLASS or LF_UNION.

property attributes Iterator[lief.pdb.types.Attribute | None]

Return an iterator over the different attributes defined in this class-like type

property methods Iterator[lief.pdb.types.Method | None]

Return an iterator over the different methods implemented in this class-like type

property name str

Demangled type name

property size int

Size of the type including all its attributes. This size should match the sizeof(...) this type.

property unique_name str

Mangled type name.


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Structure
class lief.pdb.types.Structure

Bases: ClassLike

Interface for the LF_STRUCTURE PDB type


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Class
class lief.pdb.types.Class

Bases: ClassLike

Interface for the LF_CLASS PDB type


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Interface
class lief.pdb.types.Interface

Bases: ClassLike

Interface for the LF_INTERFACE PDB type


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Enum
class lief.pdb.types.Enum

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_ENUM PDB type

Function (type)

Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Function
class lief.pdb.types.Function

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_PROCEDURE PDB type

Method (type)

Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Method
class lief.pdb.types.Method

Bases: object

This class represents a Method (LF_ONEMETHOD) that can be defined in ClassLike PDB type

property name str

Name of the method


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Modifier
class lief.pdb.types.Modifier

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_MODIFIER PDB type

property underlying_type lief.pdb.Type | None

Underlying type targeted by this modifier


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Pointer
class lief.pdb.types.Pointer

Bases: Type

This class represents a LF_POINTER PDB type

property underlying_type lief.pdb.Type | None

The underlying type pointed by this pointer


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Simple
class lief.pdb.types.Simple

Bases: Type

This class represents a primitive types (int, float, …) which are also named simple types in the PDB format.


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.pdb.types.Union
class lief.pdb.types.Union

Bases: ClassLike

This class represents a LF_UNION PDB type