03 - Play with ELF symbols

In this tutorial, we will see how to modify dynamic symbols in both an executable and a library.

Scripts and materials are available here: materials

By Romain Thomas - @rh0main

When a library is dynamically linked to an executable, the required libraries are referenced in the DT_NEEDED entries within the dynamic table (PT_DYNAMIC).

In addition, the functions imported from this library are referenced in the dynamic symbols table with the following attributes:

Similarly, when a library exports functions the exported functions are registered in the dynamic symbols table with the following attributes:

  • value set to the address of the function in the library

  • type set to FUNC

Imported and exported functions are abstracted in LIEF and one can iterate over these elements through the properties: exported_functions and imported_functions

import lief
binary  = lief.parse("/usr/bin/ls")
library = lief.parse("/usr/lib/libc.so.6")


When analyzing a binary, the imported functions can reveal information about the underlying functionalities of the binary. To avoid revealing the imported symbols, one solution could consist in statically linking the library with the executable. Another solution is to blow the reverser’s mind by swapping these symbols which is the purpose of this tutorial.

Let’s consider the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double hashme(double input) {
  return pow(input, 4) + log(input + 3);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("Usage: %s N\n", argv[0]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  double N = (double)atoi(argv[1]);
  double hash = hashme(N);
  printf("%f\n", hash);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Basically, this program takes an integer as a parameter and performs some computation on this value.

$ hashme 123

The pow and log functions are located in the libm.so.6 library. Using LIEF, we can swap this function name with other functions name. For instance, let’s swap pow and log with cos and sin:

First, we have to load both the library and the executable:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import lief

hashme = lief.parse("hashme")
libm  = lief.parse("/usr/lib/libm.so.6")
# Note: the path to libm.so.6 might be different on your system.

Then, we can change the name of the two imported functions in the executable:

hashme_pow_sym = next(i for i in hashme.imported_symbols if i.name == "pow")
hashme_log_sym = next(i for i in hashme.imported_symbols if i.name == "log")

hashme_pow_sym.name = "cos"
hashme_log_sym.name = "sin"

And we need to do the same in the library: the log symbol’s name is swapped with sin and pow with cos:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import lief

hashme = lief.parse("hashme")
libm  = lief.parse("/usr/lib/libm.so.6")

def swap(obj, a, b):
    symbol_a = next(i for i in obj.dynamic_symbols if i.name == a)
    symbol_b = next(i for i in obj.dynamic_symbols if i.name == b)
    b_name = symbol_b.name
    symbol_b.name = symbol_a.name
    symbol_a.name = b_name

hashme_pow_sym = next(i for i in hashme.imported_symbols if i.name == "pow")
hashme_log_sym = next(i for i in hashme.imported_symbols if i.name == "log")

hashme_pow_sym.name = "cos"
hashme_log_sym.name = "sin"

swap(libm, "log", "sin")
swap(libm, "pow", "cos")


At this point, we have a modified version of libm.so in the same directory as hashme.obf. To force loading this modified version of libm.so, we can set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. hashme.obf 123

Without this environment variable, the Linux loader would resolve libm.so with the original path and the computation would be done with sin and cos:

$ hashme.obf 123

One other more realistic use case could consist in swapping symbols in cryptographic libraries like OpenSSL. For instance, EVP_DecryptInit and EVP_EncryptInit have the same prototype and could be swapped.