using | items_t = std::vector<Item> |
using | it_items = ref_iterator<items_t&> |
using | it_const_items = const_ref_iterator<const items_t&> |
enum class | TYPE { UNKNOWN = 0
} |
| Enum for discriminating the kind of the Dialog (regular vs extended) More...
enum class | DIALOG_STYLES : uint32_t {
ABSALIGN = 0x0001
, SYSMODAL = 0x0002
, LOCALEDIT = 0x0020
, SETFONT = 0x0040
, NOIDLEMSG = 0x0100
, S3DLOOK = 0x0004
FIXEDSYS = 0x0008
, CONTROL = 0x0400
, CENTER = 0x0800
, CONTEXTHELP = 0x2000
} |
| From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlgbox/dialog-box-styles. More...
enum class | WINDOW_STYLES : uint32_t {
OVERLAPPED = 0x00000000
, POPUP = 0x80000000
, CHILD = 0x40000000
, MINIMIZE = 0x20000000
VISIBLE = 0x10000000
, DISABLED = 0x08000000
, CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000
, CLIPCHILDREN = 0x02000000
MAXIMIZE = 0x01000000
, CAPTION = 0x00C00000
, BORDER = 0x00800000
, DLGFRAME = 0x00400000
VSCROLL = 0x00200000
, HSCROLL = 0x00100000
, SYSMENU = 0x00080000
, THICKFRAME = 0x00040000
GROUP = 0x00020000
, TABSTOP = 0x00010000
} |
| From: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles. More...
enum class | WINDOW_EXTENDED_STYLES : uint32_t {
DLGMODALFRAME = 0x00000001
, NOPARENTNOTIFY = 0x00000004
, TOPMOST = 0x00000008
, ACCEPTFILES = 0x00000010
TRANSPARENT_STY = 0x00000020
, MDICHILD = 0x00000040
, TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080
, WINDOWEDGE = 0x00000100
CLIENTEDGE = 0x00000200
, CONTEXTHELP = 0x00000400
, RIGHT = 0x00001000
, LEFT = 0x00000000
RTLREADING = 0x00002000
, LEFTSCROLLBAR = 0x00004000
, CONTROLPARENT = 0x00010000
, STATICEDGE = 0x00020000
APPWINDOW = 0x00040000
} |
| From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/extended-window-styles. More...
enum class | CONTROL_STYLES : uint32_t {
TOP = 0x00000001
, NOMOVEY = 0x00000002
, BOTTOM = 0x00000003
, NORESIZE = 0x00000004
NOPARENTALIGN = 0x00000008
, ADJUSTABLE = 0x00000020
, NODIVIDER = 0x00000040
, VERT = 0x00000080
} |
| From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/common-control-styles. More...
using | dialogs_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceDialog>> |
template<class T > |
using | output_t = add_pointer_t<decay_t<T>> |
template<class T > |
using | output_const_t = add_pointer_t<add_const_t<decay_t<T>>> |
| ResourceDialogRegular () |
| ResourceDialogRegular (const ResourceDialogRegular &)=default |
ResourceDialogRegular & | operator= (const ResourceDialogRegular &)=default |
| ResourceDialogRegular (ResourceDialogRegular &&)=default |
ResourceDialogRegular & | operator= (ResourceDialogRegular &&)=default |
std::unique_ptr< ResourceDialog > | clone () const override |
std::string | to_string () const override |
uint32_t | nb_items () const |
| Number of control items.
it_items | items () |
| Iterator over the different control items.
it_const_items | items () const |
void | add_item (const Item &item) |
| Add a new control item to the dialog.
const font_t & | font () const |
| Additional font information.
ResourceDialogRegular & | font (uint16_t pointsize, std::u16string name) |
ResourceDialogRegular & | font (font_t f) |
void | accept (Visitor &visitor) const override |
| ~ResourceDialogRegular () override=default |
| ResourceDialog ()=default |
| ResourceDialog (const ResourceDialog &)=default |
ResourceDialog & | operator= (const ResourceDialog &)=default |
| ResourceDialog (ResourceDialog &&)=default |
ResourceDialog & | operator= (ResourceDialog &&)=default |
| ResourceDialog (TYPE ty) |
TYPE | type () const |
uint32_t | style () const |
| The style of the dialog box. This member can be a combination of window style values (such as WINDOW_STYLES::CAPTION and WINDOW_STYLES::SYSMENU) and dialog box style values (such as DIALOG_STYLES::CENTER).
uint32_t | extended_style () const |
| The extended styles for a window. This member is not used to create dialog boxes, but applications that use dialog box templates can use it to create other types of windows. For a list of values, see WINDOW_EXTENDED_STYLES.
int16_t | x () const |
| The x-coordinate, in dialog box units, of the upper-left corner of the dialog box.
int16_t | y () const |
| The y-coordinate, in dialog box units, of the upper-left corner of the dialog box.
int16_t | cx () const |
| The width, in dialog box units, of the dialog box.
int16_t | cy () const |
| The height, in dialog box units, of the dialog box.
ResourceDialog & | style (uint32_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | extended_style (uint32_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | x (int16_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | y (int16_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | cx (int16_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | cy (int16_t value) |
ResourceDialog & | menu (std::u16string title) |
ResourceDialog & | menu (uint16_t ord) |
ResourceDialog & | window_class (std::u16string title) |
ResourceDialog & | window_class (uint16_t ord) |
ResourceDialog & | title (std::u16string value) |
ResourceDialog & | title (const std::string &title) |
bool | has (DIALOG_STYLES style) const |
| Check if the dialog used to given dialog style.
bool | has (WINDOW_STYLES style) const |
| Check if the dialog used to given window style.
bool | has (WINDOW_EXTENDED_STYLES style) const |
| Check if the dialog used to given extended window style.
std::vector< DIALOG_STYLES > | styles_list () const |
| List of DIALOG_STYLES used by this dialog.
std::vector< WINDOW_STYLES > | windows_styles_list () const |
| List of WINDOW_STYLES used by this dialog.
std::vector< WINDOW_EXTENDED_STYLES > | windows_ext_styles_list () const |
| List of WINDOW_EXTENDED_STYLES used by this dialog.
const std::u16string & | title () const |
| title of the dialog box
std::string | title_utf8 () const |
| title of the dialog box
const ordinal_or_str_t & | menu () const |
| ordinal or name value of a menu resource.
const ordinal_or_str_t & | window_class () const |
| ordinal of a predefined system window class or name of a registered window class
virtual | ~ResourceDialog ()=default |
template<class T > |
const T * | as () const |
| Helper to downcast a ResourceDialog into a ResourceDialogRegular or a ResourceDialogExtended.
| Object () |
| Object (const Object &other) |
Object & | operator= (const Object &other) |
template<class T > |
output_t< T > | as () |
template<class T > |
output_const_t< T > | as () const |
virtual bool | operator== (const Object &other) const |
virtual bool | operator!= (const Object &other) const |
virtual | ~Object () |