LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats Version
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LIEF::ELF::Header Class Reference

Class which represents the ELF's header. This is the ELF structure that starts an ELF file. More...

#include <Header.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LIEF::ELF::Header:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LIEF::ELF::Header:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

using identity_t = std::array< uint8_t, 16 >
using abstract_architecture_t = std::pair< ARCHITECTURES, std::set< MODES > >
template<class T >
using flags_list_t = std::set< T >
using arm_flags_list_t = flags_list_t< ARM_EFLAGS >
using mips_flags_list_t = flags_list_t< MIPS_EFLAGS >
using hexagon_flags_list_t = flags_list_t< HEXAGON_EFLAGS >
using ppc64_flags_list_t = flags_list_t< PPC64_EFLAGS >
using loongarch_flags_list_t = flags_list_t< LOONGARCH_EFLAGS >
- Public Types inherited from LIEF::Object
template<class T >
using output_t = add_pointer_t< decay_t< T > >
template<class T >
using output_const_t = add_pointer_t< add_const_t< decay_t< T > > >

Public Member Functions

 Header (const details::Elf32_Ehdr &header)
 Header (const details::Elf64_Ehdr &header)
Headeroperator= (const Header &)
 Header (const Header &)
E_TYPE file_type () const
 Define the object file type. (e.g. executable, library...)
OBJECT_TYPES abstract_object_type () const
 LIEF abstract object type.
ARCH machine_type () const
 Target architecture.
abstract_architecture_t abstract_architecture () const
 LIEF abstract architecture.
ENDIANNESS abstract_endianness () const
 LIEF abstract endianness.
VERSION object_file_version () const
 Version of the object file format.
uint64_t entrypoint () const
 Executable entrypoint.
uint64_t program_headers_offset () const
 Offset of program table (also known as segments table)
uint64_t section_headers_offset () const
 Offset of section table.
uint32_t processor_flag () const
 Processor-specific flags.
bool has (ARM_EFLAGS f) const
 Check if the given flag is present in processor_flag()
arm_flags_list_t arm_flags_list () const
 Return a list of ARM_EFLAGS present in processor_flag()
bool has (MIPS_EFLAGS f) const
 Check if the given flag is present in processor_flag()
mips_flags_list_t mips_flags_list () const
 Return a list of MIPS_EFLAGS present in processor_flag()
bool has (PPC64_EFLAGS f) const
 Check if the given flag is present in processor_flag()
ppc64_flags_list_t ppc64_flags_list () const
 Return a list of PPC64_EFLAGS present in processor_flag()
bool has (HEXAGON_EFLAGS f) const
 Check if the given flag is present in processor_flag()
hexagon_flags_list_t hexagon_flags_list () const
 Return a list of HEXAGON_EFLAGS present in processor_flag()
bool has (LOONGARCH_EFLAGS f) const
 Check if the given flag is present in processor_flag()
loongarch_flags_list_t loongarch_flags_list () const
 Return a list of LOONGARCH_EFLAGS present in processor_flag()
uint32_t header_size () const
 Size of the current header.
uint32_t program_header_size () const
 Return the size of a Segment header
uint32_t numberof_segments () const
 Return the the number of segments.
uint32_t section_header_size () const
 Return the size of a Section header
uint32_t numberof_sections () const
 Return the number of sections.
uint32_t section_name_table_idx () const
 Return the section's index which contains sections' names.
identity_t & identity ()
 Return the ELF identity as an std::array
const identity_t & identity () const
ELF_CLASS identity_class () const
 Return the object's class. ELF64 or ELF32
ELF_DATA identity_data () const
 Specify the data encoding.
VERSION identity_version () const
OS_ABI identity_os_abi () const
 Identifies the version of the ABI for which the object is prepared.
uint32_t identity_abi_version () const
 ABI Version.
void file_type (E_TYPE type)
void machine_type (ARCH machineType)
void object_file_version (VERSION version)
void entrypoint (uint64_t entryPoint)
void program_headers_offset (uint64_t programHeaderOffset)
void section_headers_offset (uint64_t sectionHeaderOffset)
void processor_flag (uint32_t processorFlag)
void header_size (uint32_t headerSize)
void program_header_size (uint32_t programHeaderSize)
void numberof_segments (uint32_t n)
void section_header_size (uint32_t sizeOfSectionHeaderEntries)
void numberof_sections (uint32_t n)
void section_name_table_idx (uint32_t sectionNameStringTableIdx)
void identity (const std::string &identity)
void identity (const identity_t &identity)
void identity_class (ELF_CLASS i_class)
void identity_data (ELF_DATA data)
void identity_version (VERSION version)
void identity_os_abi (OS_ABI osabi)
void identity_abi_version (uint32_t version)
void accept (Visitor &visitor) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::Object
 Object (const Object &other)
Objectoperator= (const Object &other)
template<class T >
output_t< T > as ()
template<class T >
output_const_t< T > as () const
virtual bool operator== (const Object &other) const
virtual bool operator!= (const Object &other) const

Detailed Description

Class which represents the ELF's header. This is the ELF structure that starts an ELF file.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abstract_architecture()

abstract_architecture_t LIEF::ELF::Header::abstract_architecture ( ) const

LIEF abstract architecture.

It returns Empty if it can't be abstracted

◆ accept()

void LIEF::ELF::Header::accept ( Visitor visitor) const

Implements LIEF::Object.

◆ header_size()

uint32_t LIEF::ELF::Header::header_size ( ) const

Size of the current header.

This size should be 64 for an ELF64 binary and 52 for an ELF32.

◆ identity_version()

VERSION LIEF::ELF::Header::identity_version ( ) const

◆ numberof_sections()

uint32_t LIEF::ELF::Header::numberof_sections ( ) const

Return the number of sections.

This value could differ from the real number of sections present in the binary. It must be taken as an indication

◆ program_header_size()

uint32_t LIEF::ELF::Header::program_header_size ( ) const

Return the size of a Segment header

This size should be 56 for a ELF64 binary and 32 for an ELF32.

◆ section_header_size()

uint32_t LIEF::ELF::Header::section_header_size ( ) const

Return the size of a Section header

This size should be 64 for a ELF64 binary and 40 for an ELF32.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: