LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats Version
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LIEF::ELF::Segment Class Reference

Class which represents the ELF segments. More...

#include <Segment.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LIEF::ELF::Segment:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LIEF::ELF::Segment:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

using sections_t = std::vector< Section * >
using it_sections = ref_iterator< sections_t & >
using it_const_sections = const_ref_iterator< const sections_t & >
- Public Types inherited from LIEF::Object
template<class T >
using output_t = add_pointer_t< decay_t< T > >
template<class T >
using output_const_t = add_pointer_t< add_const_t< decay_t< T > > >

Public Member Functions

 Segment (const details::Elf64_Phdr &header)
 Segment (const details::Elf32_Phdr &header)
Segmentoperator= (Segment other)
 Segment (const Segment &other)
Segmentoperator= (Segment &&)
 Segment (Segment &&)
void swap (Segment &other)
SEGMENT_TYPES type () const
 The segment's type (LOAD, DYNAMIC, ...)
ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flags () const
 The flag permissions associated with this segment.
uint64_t file_offset () const
 The file offset of the data associated with this segment.
uint64_t virtual_address () const
 The virtual address of the segment.
uint64_t physical_address () const
 The physical address of the segment. This value is not really relevant on systems like Linux or Android. On the other hand, Qualcomm trustlets might use this value.
uint64_t physical_size () const
 The file size of the data associated with this segment.
uint64_t virtual_size () const
 The in-memory size of this segment. Usually, if the .bss segment is wrapped by this segment then, virtual_size is larger than physical_size.
uint64_t alignment () const
 The offset alignment of the segment.
span< const uint8_t > content () const
 The raw data associated with this segment.
bool has (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flag) const
 Check if the current segment has the given flag.
bool has (const Section &section) const
 Check if the current segment wraps the given ELF::Section.
bool has (const std::string &section_name) const
 Check if the current segment wraps the given section's name.
void add (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flag)
 Append the given ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS.
void remove (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flag)
 Remove the given ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS.
void type (SEGMENT_TYPES type)
void flags (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flags)
void clear_flags ()
void file_offset (uint64_t file_offset)
void virtual_address (uint64_t virtual_address)
void physical_address (uint64_t physical_address)
void physical_size (uint64_t physical_size)
void virtual_size (uint64_t virtual_size)
void alignment (uint64_t alignment)
void content (std::vector< uint8_t > content)
template<typename T >
get_content_value (size_t offset) const
template<typename T >
void set_content_value (size_t offset, T value)
size_t get_content_size () const
it_sections sections ()
 Iterator over the sections wrapped by this segment.
it_const_sections sections () const
void accept (Visitor &visitor) const override
Segmentoperator+= (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flag)
Segmentoperator-= (ELF_SEGMENT_FLAGS flag)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::Object
 Object (const Object &other)
Objectoperator= (const Object &other)
template<class T >
output_t< T > as ()
template<class T >
output_const_t< T > as () const
virtual bool operator== (const Object &other) const
virtual bool operator!= (const Object &other) const

Static Public Member Functions

static result< Segmentfrom_raw (const uint8_t *ptr, size_t size)
static result< Segmentfrom_raw (const std::vector< uint8_t > &raw)

Detailed Description

Class which represents the ELF segments.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

void LIEF::ELF::Segment::accept ( Visitor visitor) const

Implements LIEF::Object.

◆ physical_address()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Segment::physical_address ( ) const

The physical address of the segment. This value is not really relevant on systems like Linux or Android. On the other hand, Qualcomm trustlets might use this value.

Usually this value matches virtual_address

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: