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LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand Class Reference

Class that represents the LC_THREAD / LC_UNIXTHREAD commands and that can be used to get the binary entrypoint when the LC_MAIN (MainCommand) is not present. More...

#include <ThreadCommand.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ThreadCommand (const details::thread_command &cmd, CPU_TYPES arch=CPU_TYPES::CPU_TYPE_ANY)
 ThreadCommand (uint32_t flavor, uint32_t count, CPU_TYPES arch=CPU_TYPES::CPU_TYPE_ANY)
ThreadCommandoperator= (const ThreadCommand &copy)
 ThreadCommand (const ThreadCommand &copy)
ThreadCommandclone () const override
uint32_t flavor () const
 Integer that defines a special flavor for the thread.
uint32_t count () const
 Size of the thread state data with 32-bits alignment.
CPU_TYPES architecture () const
 The CPU architecture that is targeted by this ThreadCommand.
span< const uint8_t > state () const
 The actual thread state as a vector of bytes. Depending on the architecture(), these data can be casted into x86_thread_state_t, x86_thread_state64_t, ...
span< uint8_t > state ()
uint64_t pc () const
 Return the initial Program Counter regardless of the underlying architecture. This value, when non null, can be used to determine the binary's entrypoint.
void state (const std::vector< uint8_t > &state)
void flavor (uint32_t flavor)
void count (uint32_t count)
void architecture (CPU_TYPES arch)
void accept (Visitor &visitor) const override
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &os) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand
 LoadCommand (const details::load_command &command)
 LoadCommand (LOAD_COMMAND_TYPES type, uint32_t size)
LoadCommandoperator= (LoadCommand copy)
 LoadCommand (const LoadCommand &copy)
void swap (LoadCommand &other)
LOAD_COMMAND_TYPES command () const
 Command type.
uint32_t size () const
 Size of the command (should be greather than sizeof(load_command))
span< const uint8_t > data () const
 Raw command.
uint64_t command_offset () const
 Offset of the command within the Load Command Table
void data (const raw_t &data)
void command (LOAD_COMMAND_TYPES command)
void size (uint32_t size)
void command_offset (uint64_t offset)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::Object
 Object (const Object &other)
Objectoperator= (const Object &other)
template<class T >
output_t< T > as ()
template<class T >
output_const_t< T > as () const
virtual bool operator== (const Object &other) const
virtual bool operator!= (const Object &other) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool classof (const LoadCommand *cmd)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand
static bool is_linkedit_data (const LoadCommand &cmd)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand
using raw_t = std::vector< uint8_t >
- Public Types inherited from LIEF::Object
template<class T >
using output_t = add_pointer_t< decay_t< T > >
template<class T >
using output_const_t = add_pointer_t< add_const_t< decay_t< T > > >

Detailed Description

Class that represents the LC_THREAD / LC_UNIXTHREAD commands and that can be used to get the binary entrypoint when the LC_MAIN (MainCommand) is not present.

Generally speaking, this command aims at defining the original state of the main thread which includes the registers' values

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

void LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::accept ( Visitor visitor) const

Reimplemented from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand.

◆ clone()

ThreadCommand * LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::clone ( ) const

Reimplemented from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand.

◆ count()

uint32_t LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::count ( ) const

Size of the thread state data with 32-bits alignment.

This value should match state().size()

◆ flavor()

uint32_t LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::flavor ( ) const

Integer that defines a special flavor for the thread.

The meaning of this value depends on the architecture(). The list of the values can be found in the XNU kernel files:

  • xnu/osfmk/mach/arm/thread_status.h for the ARM/AArch64 architectures
  • xnu/osfmk/mach/i386/thread_status.h for the x86/x86-64 architectures

◆ pc()

uint64_t LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::pc ( ) const

Return the initial Program Counter regardless of the underlying architecture. This value, when non null, can be used to determine the binary's entrypoint.

Underneath, it works by looking for the PC register value in the state() data

◆ print()

std::ostream & LIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand::print ( std::ostream &  os) const

Reimplemented from LIEF::MachO::LoadCommand.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: