LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats Version 0.16.4
No Matches
LIEF::ELF::Binary Class Reference

Class which represents an ELF binary. More...

#include <Binary.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LIEF::ELF::Binary:
Collaboration diagram for LIEF::ELF::Binary:

Public Types

enum  PHDR_RELOC {
using string_list_t = std::vector<std::string>
using notes_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Note>>
 Internal container for storing notes.
using it_notes = ref_iterator<notes_t&, Note*>
 Iterator which outputs Note& object.
using it_const_notes = const_ref_iterator<const notes_t&, const Note*>
 Iterator which outputs const Note& object.
using symbols_version_requirement_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SymbolVersionRequirement>>
 Internal container for storing SymbolVersionRequirement.
using it_symbols_version_requirement = ref_iterator<symbols_version_requirement_t&, SymbolVersionRequirement*>
 Iterator which outputs SymbolVersionRequirement& object.
using it_const_symbols_version_requirement = const_ref_iterator<const symbols_version_requirement_t&, const SymbolVersionRequirement*>
 Iterator which outputs const SymbolVersionRequirement& object.
using symbols_version_definition_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SymbolVersionDefinition>>
 Internal container for storing SymbolVersionDefinition.
using it_symbols_version_definition = ref_iterator<symbols_version_definition_t&, SymbolVersionDefinition*>
 Iterator which outputs SymbolVersionDefinition& object.
using it_const_symbols_version_definition = const_ref_iterator<const symbols_version_definition_t&, const SymbolVersionDefinition*>
 Iterator which outputs const SymbolVersionDefinition& object.
using segments_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Segment>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's Segment.
using it_segments = ref_iterator<segments_t&, Segment*>
 Iterator which outputs Segment& object.
using it_const_segments = const_ref_iterator<const segments_t&, const Segment*>
 Iterator which outputs const Segment& object.
using dynamic_entries_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DynamicEntry>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's DynamicEntry.
using it_dynamic_entries = ref_iterator<dynamic_entries_t&, DynamicEntry*>
 Iterator which outputs DynamicEntry& object.
using it_const_dynamic_entries = const_ref_iterator<const dynamic_entries_t&, const DynamicEntry*>
 Iterator which outputs const DynamicEntry& object.
using symbols_version_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SymbolVersion>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's SymbolVersion.
using it_symbols_version = ref_iterator<symbols_version_t&, SymbolVersion*>
 Iterator which outputs SymbolVersion& object.
using it_const_symbols_version = const_ref_iterator<const symbols_version_t&, const SymbolVersion*>
 Iterator which outputs const SymbolVersion& object.
using relocations_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Relocation>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's Relocation.
using it_pltgot_relocations = filter_iterator<relocations_t&, Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs plt/got Relocation& object.
using it_const_pltgot_relocations = const_filter_iterator<const relocations_t&, const Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs plt/got const Relocation& object.
using it_dynamic_relocations = filter_iterator<relocations_t&, Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs dynamic Relocation& object (not related to the PLT/GOT mechanism)
using it_const_dynamic_relocations = const_filter_iterator<const relocations_t&, const Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs dynamic const Relocation& object (not related to the PLT/GOT mechanism)
using it_object_relocations = filter_iterator<relocations_t&, Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs Relocation& object found in object files (.o)
using it_const_object_relocations = const_filter_iterator<const relocations_t&, const Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs const Relocation& object found in object files (.o)
using it_relocations = ref_iterator<relocations_t&, Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs Relocation& object.
using it_const_relocations = const_ref_iterator<const relocations_t&, const Relocation*>
 Iterator which outputs const Relocation& object.
using symbols_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Symbol>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's Symbol.
using it_dynamic_symbols = ref_iterator<symbols_t&, Symbol*>
 Iterator which outputs the Dynamic Symbol& object.
using it_const_dynamic_symbols = const_ref_iterator<const symbols_t&, const Symbol*>
 Iterator which outputs the Dynamic const Symbol& object.
using it_symtab_symbols = ref_iterator<symbols_t&, Symbol*>
 Iterator which outputs the static/debug Symbol& object.
using it_const_symtab_symbols = const_ref_iterator<const symbols_t&, const Symbol*>
 Iterator which outputs the static/debug const Symbol& object.
using it_symbols = ref_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs static and dynamic Symbol& object.
using it_const_symbols = const_ref_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs static and dynamic const Symbol& object.
using it_exported_symbols = filter_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs exported Symbol& object.
using it_const_exported_symbols = const_filter_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs exported const Symbol& object.
using it_imported_symbols = filter_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs imported Symbol& object.
using it_const_imported_symbols = const_filter_iterator<std::vector<Symbol*>>
 Iterator which outputs imported const Symbol& object.
using sections_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Section>>
 Internal container for storing ELF's Section.
using it_sections = ref_iterator<sections_t&, Section*>
 Iterator which outputs Section& object.
using it_const_sections = const_ref_iterator<const sections_t&, const Section*>
 Iterator which outputs const Section& object.
- Public Types inherited from LIEF::Binary
enum class  VA_TYPES { AUTO = 0 , RVA = 1 , VA = 2 }
 Type of a virtual address. More...
enum  FORMATS {
  UNKNOWN = 0 , ELF , PE , MACHO ,
using functions_t = std::vector<Function>
using sections_t = std::vector<Section*>
 Internal container.
using it_sections = ref_iterator<sections_t>
 Iterator that outputs LIEF::Section&.
using it_const_sections = const_ref_iterator<sections_t>
 Iterator that outputs const LIEF::Section&.
using symbols_t = std::vector<Symbol*>
 Internal container.
using it_symbols = ref_iterator<symbols_t>
 Iterator that outputs LIEF::Symbol&.
using it_const_symbols = const_ref_iterator<symbols_t>
 Iterator that outputs const LIEF::Symbol&.
using relocations_t = std::vector<Relocation*>
 Internal container.
using it_relocations = ref_iterator<relocations_t>
 Iterator that outputs LIEF::Relocation&.
using it_const_relocations = const_ref_iterator<relocations_t>
 Iterator that outputs const LIEF::Relocation&.
using instructions_it = iterator_range<assembly::Instruction::Iterator>
 Instruction iterator.
- Public Types inherited from LIEF::Object
template<class T >
using output_t = add_pointer_t<decay_t<T>>
template<class T >
using output_const_t = add_pointer_t<add_const_t<decay_t<T>>>

Public Member Functions

Binaryoperator= (const Binary &)=delete
 Binary (const Binary &copy)=delete
Header::CLASS type () const
 Return binary's class (ELF32 or ELF64)
Headerheader ()
 Return Elf header .
const Headerheader () const
uint64_t last_offset_section () const
 Return the last offset used in binary according to sections table.
uint64_t last_offset_segment () const
 Return the last offset used in binary according to segments table.
uint64_t next_virtual_address () const
 Return the next virtual address available.
it_sections sections ()
 Return an iterator over the binary's sections.
it_const_sections sections () const
uint64_t entrypoint () const override
 Return the binary's entrypoint.
it_segments segments ()
 Return binary's segments.
it_const_segments segments () const
it_dynamic_entries dynamic_entries ()
 Return binary's dynamic entries.
it_const_dynamic_entries dynamic_entries () const
DynamicEntryadd (const DynamicEntry &entry)
 Add the given dynamic entry and return the new entry.
Noteadd (const Note &note)
 Add the given note and return the created entry.
void remove (const DynamicEntry &entry)
 Remove the given dynamic entry.
void remove (DynamicEntry::TAG tag)
 Remove all dynamic entries with the given tag.
void remove (const Section &section, bool clear=false)
 Remove the given section. The clear parameter can be used to zeroize the original content beforehand.
void remove (const Note &note)
 Remove the given note.
void remove (Note::TYPE type)
 Remove all notes with the given type.
void remove (const Segment &seg)
 Remove the given segment.
it_dynamic_symbols dynamic_symbols ()
 Return an iterator over the binary's dynamic symbols The dynamic symbols are those located in the .dynsym section.
it_const_dynamic_symbols dynamic_symbols () const
it_exported_symbols exported_symbols ()
 Return symbols which are exported by the binary.
it_const_exported_symbols exported_symbols () const
it_imported_symbols imported_symbols ()
 Return symbols which are imported by the binary.
it_const_imported_symbols imported_symbols () const
it_symtab_symbols symtab_symbols ()
 Return the debug symbols from the .symtab section.
it_const_symtab_symbols symtab_symbols () const
it_symbols_version symbols_version ()
 Return the symbol versions.
it_const_symbols_version symbols_version () const
it_symbols_version_definition symbols_version_definition ()
 Return symbols version definition.
it_const_symbols_version_definition symbols_version_definition () const
it_symbols_version_requirement symbols_version_requirement ()
 Return Symbol version requirement.
it_const_symbols_version_requirement symbols_version_requirement () const
it_dynamic_relocations dynamic_relocations ()
 Return dynamic relocations.
it_const_dynamic_relocations dynamic_relocations () const
Relocationadd_dynamic_relocation (const Relocation &relocation)
 Add a new dynamic relocation.
Relocationadd_pltgot_relocation (const Relocation &relocation)
 Add a relocation. This kind of relocation is usually associated with a PLT stub that aims at resolving the underlying symbol.
Relocationadd_object_relocation (const Relocation &relocation, const Section &section)
 Add relocation for object file (.o)
it_pltgot_relocations pltgot_relocations ()
 Return relocations.
it_const_pltgot_relocations pltgot_relocations () const
it_object_relocations object_relocations ()
 Return relocations used in an object file (*.o)
it_const_object_relocations object_relocations () const
it_relocations relocations ()
 Return all relocations present in the binary.
it_const_relocations relocations () const
const Relocationget_relocation (uint64_t address) const
 Return relocation associated with the given address. It returns a nullptr if it is not found.
Relocationget_relocation (uint64_t address)
const Relocationget_relocation (const Symbol &symbol) const
 Return relocation associated with the given Symbol It returns a nullptr if it is not found.
Relocationget_relocation (const Symbol &symbol)
const Relocationget_relocation (const std::string &symbol_name) const
 Return relocation associated with the given Symbol name It returns a nullptr if it is not found.
Relocationget_relocation (const std::string &symbol_name)
bool use_gnu_hash () const
 true if GNU hash is used
const GnuHashgnu_hash () const
 Return the GnuHash object in readonly If the ELF binary does not use the GNU hash table, return a nullptr.
bool use_sysv_hash () const
 true if SYSV hash is used
const SysvHashsysv_hash () const
 Return the SysvHash object as a read-only object If the ELF binary does not use the legacy sysv hash table, return a nullptr.
bool has_section (const std::string &name) const
 Check if a section with the given name exists in the binary.
bool has_section_with_offset (uint64_t offset) const
 Check if a section that handles the given offset exists.
bool has_section_with_va (uint64_t va) const
 Check if a section that handles the given virtual address exists.
Sectionget_section (const std::string &name)
 Return Section with the given name. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
const Sectionget_section (const std::string &name) const
Sectiontext_section ()
 Return the .text section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Sectiondynamic_section ()
 Return the .dynamic section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Sectionhash_section ()
 Return the hash section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Sectionsymtab_symbols_section ()
 Return section which holds the symtab symbols. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
uint64_t imagebase () const override
 Return program image base. For instance 0x40000
uint64_t virtual_size () const
 Return the size of the mapped binary.
bool has_interpreter () const
 Check if the binary uses a loader (also named linker or interpreter)
const std::string & interpreter () const
 Return the ELF interpreter if any. (e.g. /lib64/ If the binary does not have an interpreter, it returns an empty string.
void interpreter (const std::string &interpreter)
 Change the interpreter.
it_symbols symbols ()
 Return an iterator on both static and dynamic symbols.
it_const_symbols symbols () const
Symbolexport_symbol (const Symbol &symbol)
 Export the given symbol and create it if it doesn't exist.
Symbolexport_symbol (const std::string &symbol_name, uint64_t value=0)
 Export the symbol with the given name and create it if it doesn't exist.
bool has_dynamic_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Check if the symbol with the given name exists in the dynamic symbols table.
const Symbolget_dynamic_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Get the dynamic symbol from the given name. Return a nullptr if it can't be found.
Symbolget_dynamic_symbol (const std::string &name)
bool has_symtab_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Check if the symbol with the given name exists in the symtab symbol table.
const Symbolget_symtab_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Get the symtab symbol from the given name Return a nullptr if it can't be found.
Symbolget_symtab_symbol (const std::string &name)
string_list_t strings (size_t min_size=5) const
 Return list of the strings used by the ELF binary.
void remove_symbol (const std::string &name)
 Remove symbols with the given name in both:
void remove_symtab_symbol (const std::string &name)
 Remove symtabl symbols with the given name.
void remove_symtab_symbol (Symbol *symbol)
void remove_dynamic_symbol (const std::string &name)
 Remove dynamic symbols with the given name.
void remove_dynamic_symbol (Symbol *symbol)
 Remove the given symbol from the dynamic symbols table.
result< uint64_t > get_function_address (const std::string &func_name) const override
 Return the address of the given function name.
result< uint64_t > get_function_address (const std::string &func_name, bool demangled) const
 Return the address of the given function name.
Sectionadd (const Section &section, bool loaded=true)
 Add a new section in the binary.
Sectionextend (const Section &section, uint64_t size)
Symboladd_symtab_symbol (const Symbol &symbol)
 Add a symtab symbol.
Symboladd_dynamic_symbol (const Symbol &symbol, const SymbolVersion *version=nullptr)
 Add a dynamic symbol with the associated SymbolVersion.
Symboladd_exported_function (uint64_t address, const std::string &name="")
 Create a symbol for the function at the given address and export it.
DynamicEntryLibraryadd_library (const std::string &library_name)
 Add a library as dependency.
void remove_library (const std::string &library_name)
 Remove the given library from the dependencies.
DynamicEntryLibraryget_library (const std::string &library_name)
 Get the library object (DynamicEntryLibrary) from the given name If the library can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
const DynamicEntryLibraryget_library (const std::string &library_name) const
 Get the library object (DynamicEntryLibrary) from the given name If the library can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
bool has_library (const std::string &name) const
 Check if the given library name exists in the current binary.
Segmentadd (const Segment &segment, uint64_t base=0)
 Add a new segment in the binary.
Segmentreplace (const Segment &new_segment, const Segment &original_segment, uint64_t base=0)
 Replace the segment given in 2nd parameter with the segment given in the first one and return the updated segment.
Segmentextend (const Segment &segment, uint64_t size)
void patch_address (uint64_t address, const std::vector< uint8_t > &patch_value, LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type=LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO) override
 Patch the content at virtual address address with patch_value.
void patch_address (uint64_t address, uint64_t patch_value, size_t size=sizeof(uint64_t), LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type=LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO) override
 Patch the address with the given value.
void patch_pltgot (const Symbol &symbol, uint64_t address)
 Patch the imported symbol with the address
void patch_pltgot (const std::string &symbol_name, uint64_t address)
 Patch the imported symbol's name with the address
void strip ()
 Strip the binary by removing symtab symbols.
void remove_section (const std::string &name, bool clear=false) override
 Remove a binary's section.
void write (const std::string &filename) override
 Reconstruct the binary object and write it in filename
void write (const std::string &filename, Builder::config_t config)
 Reconstruct the binary object with the given config and write it in filename
void write (std::ostream &os) override
 Reconstruct the binary object and write it in os stream.
void write (std::ostream &os, Builder::config_t config)
 Reconstruct the binary object with the given config and write it in os stream.
std::vector< uint8_t > raw ()
 Reconstruct the binary object and return its content as a byte vector.
result< uint64_t > virtual_address_to_offset (uint64_t virtual_address) const
 Convert a virtual address to a file offset.
result< uint64_t > offset_to_virtual_address (uint64_t offset, uint64_t slide=0) const override
 Convert the given offset into a virtual address.
bool is_pie () const override
 Check if the binary has been compiled with -fpie -pie flags.
bool has_nx () const override
 Check if the binary uses the NX protection (Non executable stack)
int64_t dynsym_idx (const std::string &name) const
 Symbol index in the dynamic symbol table or -1 if the symbol does not exist.
int64_t dynsym_idx (const Symbol &sym) const
int64_t symtab_idx (const std::string &name) const
 Symbol index from the .symtab section or -1 if the symbol is not present.
int64_t symtab_idx (const Symbol &sym) const
const Sectionsection_from_offset (uint64_t offset, bool skip_nobits=true) const
 Return the ELF::Section from the given offset. Return a nullptr if a section can't be found.
Sectionsection_from_offset (uint64_t offset, bool skip_nobits=true)
const Sectionsection_from_virtual_address (uint64_t address, bool skip_nobits=true) const
 Return the ELF::Section from the given address. Return a nullptr if a section can't be found.
Sectionsection_from_virtual_address (uint64_t address, bool skip_nobits=true)
const Segmentsegment_from_virtual_address (uint64_t address) const
 Return the ELF::Segment from the given address. Return a nullptr if a segment can't be found.
Segmentsegment_from_virtual_address (uint64_t address)
const Segmentsegment_from_virtual_address (Segment::TYPE type, uint64_t address) const
Segmentsegment_from_virtual_address (Segment::TYPE type, uint64_t address)
const Segmentsegment_from_offset (uint64_t offset) const
 Return the ELF::Segment from the offset. Return a nullptr if a segment can't be found.
Segmentsegment_from_offset (uint64_t offset)
const DynamicEntryget (DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const
 Return the first ELF::DynamicEntry associated with the given tag If the tag can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
DynamicEntryget (DynamicEntry::TAG tag)
const Segmentget (Segment::TYPE type) const
 Return the first ELF::Segment associated with the given type. If a segment can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Segmentget (Segment::TYPE type)
const Noteget (Note::TYPE type) const
 Return the first ELF::Note associated with the given type If a note can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Noteget (Note::TYPE type)
const Sectionget (Section::TYPE type) const
 Return the first ELF::Section associated with the given type If a section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.
Sectionget (Section::TYPE type)
bool has (DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const
 Check if an ELF::DynamicEntry associated with the given tag exists.
bool has (Segment::TYPE type) const
 Check if ELF::Segment associated with the given type exists.
bool has (Note::TYPE type) const
 Check if a ELF::Note associated with the given type exists.
bool has (Section::TYPE type) const
 Check if a ELF::Section associated with the given type exists.
span< const uint8_t > get_content_from_virtual_address (uint64_t virtual_address, uint64_t size, Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type=Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO) const override
 Return the content located at virtual address.
void accept (LIEF::Visitor &visitor) const override
 Method associated with the visitor pattern.
void permute_dynamic_symbols (const std::vector< size_t > &permutation)
 Apply the given permutation on the dynamic symbols table.
LIEF::Binary::functions_t ctor_functions () const override
 List of binary constructors (typically, the functions located in the .init_array)
LIEF::Binary::functions_t dtor_functions () const
 List of the binary destructors (typically, the functions located in the .fini_array)
LIEF::Binary::functions_t functions () const
 List of the functions found the in the binary.
bool has_notes () const
 true if the binary embeds notes
it_const_notes notes () const
 Return an iterator over the ELF's LIEF::ELF::Note.
it_notes notes ()
uint64_t eof_offset () const
 Return the last offset used by the ELF binary according to both: the sections table and the segments table.
bool has_overlay () const
 True if data are present at the end of the binary.
span< const uint8_t > overlay () const
 Overlay data (if any)
void overlay (std::vector< uint8_t > overlay)
 Function to set the overlay.
uint64_t relocate_phdr_table (PHDR_RELOC type)
 Force relocating the segments table in a specific way.
std::vector< uint64_t > get_relocated_dynamic_array (DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const
 Return the array defined by the given tag (e.g. DynamicEntry::TAG::INIT_ARRAY) with relocations applied (if any)
bool is_targeting_android () const
 True if the current ELF is targeting Android.
result< size_t > get_section_idx (const Section &section) const
 Find the index of the section given in the first parameter.
result< size_t > get_section_idx (const std::string &name) const
 Find the index of the section with the name given in the first parameter.
size_t hash (const std::string &name)
 ~Binary () override
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &os) const override
Binaryoperator+= (const DynamicEntry &entry)
Binaryoperator+= (const Section &section)
Binaryoperator+= (const Segment &segment)
Binaryoperator+= (const Note &note)
Binaryoperator-= (const DynamicEntry &entry)
Binaryoperator-= (DynamicEntry::TAG tag)
Binaryoperator-= (const Note &note)
Binaryoperator-= (Note::TYPE type)
Segmentoperator[] (Segment::TYPE type)
const Segmentoperator[] (Segment::TYPE type) const
DynamicEntryoperator[] (DynamicEntry::TAG tag)
const DynamicEntryoperator[] (DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const
Noteoperator[] (Note::TYPE type)
const Noteoperator[] (Note::TYPE type) const
Sectionoperator[] (Section::TYPE type)
const Sectionoperator[] (Section::TYPE type) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::Binary
 Binary ()
 Binary (FORMATS fmt)
 ~Binary () override
Binaryoperator= (const Binary &)=delete
 Binary (const Binary &)=delete
FORMATS format () const
 Executable format (ELF, PE, Mach-O) of the underlying binary.
Header header () const
 Return the abstract header of the binary.
it_symbols symbols ()
 Return an iterator over the abstracted symbols in which the elements can be modified.
it_const_symbols symbols () const
 Return an iterator over the abstracted symbols in which the elements can't be modified.
bool has_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Check if a Symbol with the given name exists.
const Symbolget_symbol (const std::string &name) const
 Return the Symbol with the given name If the symbol does not exist, return a nullptr.
Symbolget_symbol (const std::string &name)
it_sections sections ()
 Return an iterator over the binary's sections (LIEF::Section)
it_const_sections sections () const
it_relocations relocations ()
 Return an iterator over the binary relocation (LIEF::Relocation)
it_const_relocations relocations () const
uint64_t original_size () const
 Binary's original size.
functions_t exported_functions () const
 Return the functions exported by the binary.
std::vector< std::string > imported_libraries () const
 Return libraries which are imported by the binary.
functions_t imported_functions () const
 Return functions imported by the binary.
std::vector< uint64_t > xref (uint64_t address) const
template<class T >
LIEF::result< T > get_int_from_virtual_address (uint64_t va, VA_TYPES addr_type=VA_TYPES::AUTO) const
 Get the integer value at the given virtual address.
void original_size (uint64_t size)
 Change binary's original size.
DebugInfodebug_info () const
 Return the debug info if present. It can be either a LIEF::dwarf::DebugInfo or a LIEF::pdb::DebugInfo.
instructions_it disassemble (uint64_t address, size_t size) const
 Disassemble code starting a the given virtual address and with the given size.
instructions_it disassemble (uint64_t address) const
 Disassemble code starting a the given virtual address.
instructions_it disassemble (const std::string &function) const
 Disassemble code for the given symbol name.
instructions_it disassemble (const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, uint64_t address=0) const
 Disassemble code provided by the given buffer at the specified address parameter.
instructions_it disassemble (const std::vector< uint8_t > &buffer, uint64_t address=0) const
 Disassemble code provided by the given vector of bytes at the specified address parameter.
instructions_it disassemble (LIEF::span< const uint8_t > buffer, uint64_t address=0) const
instructions_it disassemble (LIEF::span< uint8_t > buffer, uint64_t address=0) const
std::vector< uint8_t > assemble (uint64_t address, const std::string &Asm)
 Assemble and patch the provided assembly code at the specified address.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LIEF::Object
 Object ()
 Object (const Object &other)
Objectoperator= (const Object &other)
template<class T >
output_t< T > as ()
template<class T >
output_const_t< T > as () const
virtual bool operator== (const Object &other) const
virtual bool operator!= (const Object &other) const
virtual ~Object ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool classof (const LIEF::Binary *bin)

Detailed Description

Class which represents an ELF binary.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ dynamic_entries_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_entries_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DynamicEntry>>

Internal container for storing ELF's DynamicEntry.

◆ it_const_dynamic_entries

Iterator which outputs const DynamicEntry& object.

◆ it_const_dynamic_relocations

Iterator which outputs dynamic const Relocation& object (not related to the PLT/GOT mechanism)

◆ it_const_dynamic_symbols

Iterator which outputs the Dynamic const Symbol& object.

◆ it_const_exported_symbols

Iterator which outputs exported const Symbol& object.

◆ it_const_imported_symbols

Iterator which outputs imported const Symbol& object.

◆ it_const_notes

Iterator which outputs const Note& object.

◆ it_const_object_relocations

Iterator which outputs const Relocation& object found in object files (.o)

◆ it_const_pltgot_relocations

Iterator which outputs plt/got const Relocation& object.

◆ it_const_relocations

Iterator which outputs const Relocation& object.

◆ it_const_sections

Iterator which outputs const Section& object.

◆ it_const_segments

Iterator which outputs const Segment& object.

◆ it_const_symbols

Iterator which outputs static and dynamic const Symbol& object.

◆ it_const_symbols_version

◆ it_const_symbols_version_definition

◆ it_const_symbols_version_requirement

◆ it_const_symtab_symbols

Iterator which outputs the static/debug const Symbol& object.

◆ it_dynamic_entries

◆ it_dynamic_relocations

Iterator which outputs dynamic Relocation& object (not related to the PLT/GOT mechanism)

◆ it_dynamic_symbols

Iterator which outputs the Dynamic Symbol& object.

◆ it_exported_symbols

Iterator which outputs exported Symbol& object.

◆ it_imported_symbols

Iterator which outputs imported Symbol& object.

◆ it_notes

Iterator which outputs Note& object.

◆ it_object_relocations

Iterator which outputs Relocation& object found in object files (.o)

◆ it_pltgot_relocations

◆ it_relocations

◆ it_sections

Iterator which outputs Section& object.

◆ it_segments

Iterator which outputs Segment& object.

◆ it_symbols

Iterator which outputs static and dynamic Symbol& object.

◆ it_symbols_version

◆ it_symbols_version_definition

◆ it_symbols_version_requirement

◆ it_symtab_symbols

Iterator which outputs the static/debug Symbol& object.

◆ notes_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::notes_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Note>>

Internal container for storing notes.

◆ relocations_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::relocations_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Relocation>>

Internal container for storing ELF's Relocation.

◆ sections_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::sections_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Section>>

Internal container for storing ELF's Section.

◆ segments_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::segments_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Segment>>

Internal container for storing ELF's Segment.

◆ string_list_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::string_list_t = std::vector<std::string>

◆ symbols_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Symbol>>

Internal container for storing ELF's Symbol.

◆ symbols_version_definition_t

Internal container for storing SymbolVersionDefinition.

◆ symbols_version_requirement_t

Internal container for storing SymbolVersionRequirement.

◆ symbols_version_t

using LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version_t = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SymbolVersion>>

Internal container for storing ELF's SymbolVersion.

Member Enumeration Documentation


This enum describes the different ways to relocate the segments table.


Defer the choice of the layout to LIEF.


The content of the binary right after the segments table is shifted and the relocations are updated accordingly. This kind of shift only works with PIE binaries.


The new segments table is relocated right after the first bss-like segment.


The new segments table is relocated at the end of the binary.


The new segments table is relocated between two LOAD segments. This kind of relocation is only doable when there is an alignment enforcement.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Binary()

LIEF::ELF::Binary::Binary ( const Binary & copy)

◆ ~Binary()

LIEF::ELF::Binary::~Binary ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::accept ( LIEF::Visitor & visitor) const

Method associated with the visitor pattern.

Reimplemented from LIEF::Binary.

Reimplemented in LIEF::OAT::Binary.

◆ add() [1/4]

DynamicEntry & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add ( const DynamicEntry & entry)

Add the given dynamic entry and return the new entry.

◆ add() [2/4]

Note & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add ( const Note & note)

Add the given note and return the created entry.

◆ add() [3/4]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::add ( const Section & section,
bool loaded = true )

Add a new section in the binary.

[in]sectionThe section object to insert
[in]loadedBoolean value to indicate that section's data must be loaded by a PT_LOAD segment
The section added. The size and the virtual address might change.

This function requires a well-formed ELF binary

◆ add() [4/4]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::add ( const Segment & segment,
uint64_t base = 0 )

Add a new segment in the binary.

The segment is inserted at the end

The segment added. Virtual address and File Offset might change.

This function requires a well-formed ELF binary

◆ add_dynamic_relocation()

Relocation & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_dynamic_relocation ( const Relocation & relocation)

Add a new dynamic relocation.

We consider a dynamic relocation as a relocation which is not plt-related

See: add_pltgot_relocation

◆ add_dynamic_symbol()

Symbol & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_dynamic_symbol ( const Symbol & symbol,
const SymbolVersion * version = nullptr )

Add a dynamic symbol with the associated SymbolVersion.

◆ add_exported_function()

Symbol & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_exported_function ( uint64_t address,
const std::string & name = "" )

Create a symbol for the function at the given address and export it.

◆ add_library()

DynamicEntryLibrary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_library ( const std::string & library_name)

Add a library as dependency.

◆ add_object_relocation()

Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_object_relocation ( const Relocation & relocation,
const Section & section )

Add relocation for object file (.o)

The first parameter is the section to add while the second parameter is the LIEF::ELF::Section associated with the relocation.

If there is an error, this function returns a nullptr. Otherwise, it returns the relocation added.

◆ add_pltgot_relocation()

Relocation & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_pltgot_relocation ( const Relocation & relocation)

Add a relocation. This kind of relocation is usually associated with a PLT stub that aims at resolving the underlying symbol.

See also: add_dynamic_relocation

◆ add_symtab_symbol()

Symbol & LIEF::ELF::Binary::add_symtab_symbol ( const Symbol & symbol)

Add a symtab symbol.

◆ classof()

static bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::classof ( const LIEF::Binary * bin)

◆ ctor_functions()

LIEF::Binary::functions_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::ctor_functions ( ) const

List of binary constructors (typically, the functions located in the .init_array)

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ dtor_functions()

LIEF::Binary::functions_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::dtor_functions ( ) const

List of the binary destructors (typically, the functions located in the .fini_array)

◆ dynamic_entries() [1/2]

it_dynamic_entries LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_entries ( )

Return binary's dynamic entries.

◆ dynamic_entries() [2/2]

it_const_dynamic_entries LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_entries ( ) const

◆ dynamic_relocations() [1/2]

it_dynamic_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_relocations ( )

Return dynamic relocations.

◆ dynamic_relocations() [2/2]

it_const_dynamic_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_relocations ( ) const

◆ dynamic_section()

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_section ( )

Return the .dynamic section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ dynamic_symbols() [1/2]

it_dynamic_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_symbols ( )

Return an iterator over the binary's dynamic symbols The dynamic symbols are those located in the .dynsym section.

◆ dynamic_symbols() [2/2]

it_const_dynamic_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynamic_symbols ( ) const

◆ dynsym_idx() [1/2]

int64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynsym_idx ( const std::string & name) const

Symbol index in the dynamic symbol table or -1 if the symbol does not exist.

◆ dynsym_idx() [2/2]

int64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::dynsym_idx ( const Symbol & sym) const

◆ entrypoint()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::entrypoint ( ) const

Return the binary's entrypoint.

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ eof_offset()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::eof_offset ( ) const

Return the last offset used by the ELF binary according to both: the sections table and the segments table.

◆ export_symbol() [1/2]

Symbol & LIEF::ELF::Binary::export_symbol ( const std::string & symbol_name,
uint64_t value = 0 )

Export the symbol with the given name and create it if it doesn't exist.

◆ export_symbol() [2/2]

Symbol & LIEF::ELF::Binary::export_symbol ( const Symbol & symbol)

Export the given symbol and create it if it doesn't exist.

◆ exported_symbols() [1/2]

it_exported_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::exported_symbols ( )

Return symbols which are exported by the binary.

◆ exported_symbols() [2/2]

it_const_exported_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::exported_symbols ( ) const

◆ extend() [1/2]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::extend ( const Section & section,
uint64_t size )

◆ extend() [2/2]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::extend ( const Segment & segment,
uint64_t size )

◆ functions()

LIEF::Binary::functions_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::functions ( ) const

List of the functions found the in the binary.

◆ get() [1/8]

DynamicEntry * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag)

◆ get() [2/8]

const DynamicEntry * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const

Return the first ELF::DynamicEntry associated with the given tag If the tag can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get() [3/8]

Note * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Note::TYPE type)

◆ get() [4/8]

const Note * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Note::TYPE type) const

Return the first ELF::Note associated with the given type If a note can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get() [5/8]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Section::TYPE type)

◆ get() [6/8]

const Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Section::TYPE type) const

Return the first ELF::Section associated with the given type If a section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get() [7/8]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Segment::TYPE type)

◆ get() [8/8]

const Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get ( Segment::TYPE type) const

Return the first ELF::Segment associated with the given type. If a segment can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get_content_from_virtual_address()

span< const uint8_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_content_from_virtual_address ( uint64_t virtual_address,
uint64_t size,
Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type = Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO ) const

Return the content located at virtual address.

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ get_dynamic_symbol() [1/2]

Symbol * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_dynamic_symbol ( const std::string & name)

◆ get_dynamic_symbol() [2/2]

const Symbol * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_dynamic_symbol ( const std::string & name) const

Get the dynamic symbol from the given name. Return a nullptr if it can't be found.

◆ get_function_address() [1/2]

result< uint64_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_function_address ( const std::string & func_name) const

Return the address of the given function name.

Reimplemented from LIEF::Binary.

◆ get_function_address() [2/2]

result< uint64_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_function_address ( const std::string & func_name,
bool demangled ) const

Return the address of the given function name.

[in]func_nameThe function's name target
[in]demangledUse the demangled name

◆ get_library() [1/2]

DynamicEntryLibrary * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_library ( const std::string & library_name)

Get the library object (DynamicEntryLibrary) from the given name If the library can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get_library() [2/2]

const DynamicEntryLibrary * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_library ( const std::string & library_name) const

Get the library object (DynamicEntryLibrary) from the given name If the library can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get_relocated_dynamic_array()

std::vector< uint64_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocated_dynamic_array ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const

Return the array defined by the given tag (e.g. DynamicEntry::TAG::INIT_ARRAY) with relocations applied (if any)

◆ get_relocation() [1/6]

Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( const std::string & symbol_name)

◆ get_relocation() [2/6]

const Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( const std::string & symbol_name) const

Return relocation associated with the given Symbol name It returns a nullptr if it is not found.

◆ get_relocation() [3/6]

Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( const Symbol & symbol)

◆ get_relocation() [4/6]

const Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( const Symbol & symbol) const

Return relocation associated with the given Symbol It returns a nullptr if it is not found.

◆ get_relocation() [5/6]

Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( uint64_t address)

◆ get_relocation() [6/6]

const Relocation * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_relocation ( uint64_t address) const

Return relocation associated with the given address. It returns a nullptr if it is not found.

◆ get_section() [1/2]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_section ( const std::string & name)

Return Section with the given name. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ get_section() [2/2]

const Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_section ( const std::string & name) const

◆ get_section_idx() [1/2]

result< size_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_section_idx ( const Section & section) const

Find the index of the section given in the first parameter.

References make_error_code(), and not_found.

◆ get_section_idx() [2/2]

result< size_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_section_idx ( const std::string & name) const

Find the index of the section with the name given in the first parameter.

References make_error_code(), and not_found.

◆ get_symtab_symbol() [1/2]

Symbol * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_symtab_symbol ( const std::string & name)

◆ get_symtab_symbol() [2/2]

const Symbol * LIEF::ELF::Binary::get_symtab_symbol ( const std::string & name) const

Get the symtab symbol from the given name Return a nullptr if it can't be found.

◆ gnu_hash()

const GnuHash * LIEF::ELF::Binary::gnu_hash ( ) const

Return the GnuHash object in readonly If the ELF binary does not use the GNU hash table, return a nullptr.

◆ has() [1/4]

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const

Check if an ELF::DynamicEntry associated with the given tag exists.

◆ has() [2/4]

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has ( Note::TYPE type) const

Check if a ELF::Note associated with the given type exists.

◆ has() [3/4]

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has ( Section::TYPE type) const

Check if a ELF::Section associated with the given type exists.

◆ has() [4/4]

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has ( Segment::TYPE type) const

Check if ELF::Segment associated with the given type exists.

◆ has_dynamic_symbol()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_dynamic_symbol ( const std::string & name) const

Check if the symbol with the given name exists in the dynamic symbols table.

◆ has_interpreter()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_interpreter ( ) const

Check if the binary uses a loader (also named linker or interpreter)

See also

◆ has_library()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_library ( const std::string & name) const

Check if the given library name exists in the current binary.

◆ has_notes()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_notes ( ) const

true if the binary embeds notes

◆ has_nx()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_nx ( ) const

Check if the binary uses the NX protection (Non executable stack)

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ has_overlay()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_overlay ( ) const

True if data are present at the end of the binary.

◆ has_section()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_section ( const std::string & name) const

Check if a section with the given name exists in the binary.

◆ has_section_with_offset()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_section_with_offset ( uint64_t offset) const

Check if a section that handles the given offset exists.

◆ has_section_with_va()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_section_with_va ( uint64_t va) const

Check if a section that handles the given virtual address exists.

◆ has_symtab_symbol()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::has_symtab_symbol ( const std::string & name) const

Check if the symbol with the given name exists in the symtab symbol table.

◆ hash()

size_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::hash ( const std::string & name)

◆ hash_section()

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::hash_section ( )

Return the hash section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ header() [1/2]

Header & LIEF::ELF::Binary::header ( )

Return Elf header .

◆ header() [2/2]

const Header & LIEF::ELF::Binary::header ( ) const

◆ imagebase()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::imagebase ( ) const

Return program image base. For instance 0x40000

To compute the image base, we look for the PT_PHDR segment header (phdr), and we return phdr->p_vaddr - phdr->p_offset

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ imported_symbols() [1/2]

it_imported_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::imported_symbols ( )

Return symbols which are imported by the binary.

◆ imported_symbols() [2/2]

it_const_imported_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::imported_symbols ( ) const

◆ interpreter() [1/2]

const std::string & LIEF::ELF::Binary::interpreter ( ) const

Return the ELF interpreter if any. (e.g. /lib64/ If the binary does not have an interpreter, it returns an empty string.

See also

◆ interpreter() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::interpreter ( const std::string & interpreter)

Change the interpreter.

◆ is_pie()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::is_pie ( ) const

Check if the binary has been compiled with -fpie -pie flags.

To do so we check if there is a PT_INTERP segment and if the binary type is ET_DYN (Shared object)

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ is_targeting_android()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::is_targeting_android ( ) const

True if the current ELF is targeting Android.

◆ last_offset_section()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::last_offset_section ( ) const

Return the last offset used in binary according to sections table.

◆ last_offset_segment()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::last_offset_segment ( ) const

Return the last offset used in binary according to segments table.

◆ next_virtual_address()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::next_virtual_address ( ) const

Return the next virtual address available.

◆ notes() [1/2]

it_notes LIEF::ELF::Binary::notes ( )

◆ notes() [2/2]

it_const_notes LIEF::ELF::Binary::notes ( ) const

Return an iterator over the ELF's LIEF::ELF::Note.

See also

◆ object_relocations() [1/2]

it_object_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::object_relocations ( )

Return relocations used in an object file (*.o)

◆ object_relocations() [2/2]

it_const_object_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::object_relocations ( ) const

◆ offset_to_virtual_address()

result< uint64_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::offset_to_virtual_address ( uint64_t offset,
uint64_t slide = 0 ) const

Convert the given offset into a virtual address.

[in]offsetThe offset to convert.
[in]slideIf not 0, it will replace the default base address (if any)

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ operator+=() [1/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator+= ( const DynamicEntry & entry)

◆ operator+=() [2/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator+= ( const Note & note)

◆ operator+=() [3/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator+= ( const Section & section)

◆ operator+=() [4/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator+= ( const Segment & segment)

◆ operator-=() [1/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator-= ( const DynamicEntry & entry)

◆ operator-=() [2/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator-= ( const Note & note)

◆ operator-=() [3/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator-= ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag)

◆ operator-=() [4/4]

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator-= ( Note::TYPE type)

◆ operator=()

Binary & LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator= ( const Binary & )

◆ operator[]() [1/8]

DynamicEntry * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag)

◆ operator[]() [2/8]

const DynamicEntry * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag) const

◆ operator[]() [3/8]

Note * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Note::TYPE type)

◆ operator[]() [4/8]

const Note * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Note::TYPE type) const

◆ operator[]() [5/8]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Section::TYPE type)

◆ operator[]() [6/8]

const Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Section::TYPE type) const

◆ operator[]() [7/8]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Segment::TYPE type)

◆ operator[]() [8/8]

const Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::operator[] ( Segment::TYPE type) const

◆ overlay() [1/2]

span< const uint8_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::overlay ( ) const

Overlay data (if any)

◆ overlay() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::overlay ( std::vector< uint8_t > overlay)

Function to set the overlay.

◆ patch_address() [1/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::patch_address ( uint64_t address,
const std::vector< uint8_t > & patch_value,
LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type = LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO )

Patch the content at virtual address address with patch_value.

[in]addressAddress to patch
[in]patch_valuePatch to apply
[in]addr_typeSpecify if the address should be used as an absolute virtual address or an RVA

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ patch_address() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::patch_address ( uint64_t address,
uint64_t patch_value,
size_t size = sizeof(uint64_t),
LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES addr_type = LIEF::Binary::VA_TYPES::AUTO )

Patch the address with the given value.

[in]addressAddress to patch
[in]patch_valuePatch to apply
[in]sizeSize of the value in bytes (1, 2, ... 8)
[in]addr_typeSpecify if the address should be used as an absolute virtual address or an RVA

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ patch_pltgot() [1/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::patch_pltgot ( const std::string & symbol_name,
uint64_t address )

Patch the imported symbol's name with the address

[in]symbol_nameImported symbol's name to patch
[in]addressNew address

◆ patch_pltgot() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::patch_pltgot ( const Symbol & symbol,
uint64_t address )

Patch the imported symbol with the address

[in]symbolImported symbol to patch
[in]addressNew address

◆ permute_dynamic_symbols()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::permute_dynamic_symbols ( const std::vector< size_t > & permutation)

Apply the given permutation on the dynamic symbols table.

◆ pltgot_relocations() [1/2]

it_pltgot_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::pltgot_relocations ( )

Return relocations.

◆ pltgot_relocations() [2/2]

it_const_pltgot_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::pltgot_relocations ( ) const

◆ print()

std::ostream & LIEF::ELF::Binary::print ( std::ostream & os) const

Reimplemented from LIEF::Binary.

◆ raw()

std::vector< uint8_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::raw ( )

Reconstruct the binary object and return its content as a byte vector.

◆ relocate_phdr_table()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::relocate_phdr_table ( PHDR_RELOC type)

Force relocating the segments table in a specific way.

This function can be used to enforce a specific relocation of the segments table.

[in]typeThe relocation type to apply
The offset of the new segments table or 0 if it fails with the given method.

◆ relocations() [1/2]

it_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::relocations ( )

Return all relocations present in the binary.

◆ relocations() [2/2]

it_const_relocations LIEF::ELF::Binary::relocations ( ) const

◆ remove() [1/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( const DynamicEntry & entry)

Remove the given dynamic entry.

◆ remove() [2/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( const Note & note)

Remove the given note.

◆ remove() [3/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( const Section & section,
bool clear = false )

Remove the given section. The clear parameter can be used to zeroize the original content beforehand.

[in]sectionThe section to remove
[in]clearWhether zeroize the original content

◆ remove() [4/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( const Segment & seg)

Remove the given segment.

◆ remove() [5/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( DynamicEntry::TAG tag)

Remove all dynamic entries with the given tag.

◆ remove() [6/6]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove ( Note::TYPE type)

Remove all notes with the given type.

◆ remove_dynamic_symbol() [1/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_dynamic_symbol ( const std::string & name)

Remove dynamic symbols with the given name.

◆ remove_dynamic_symbol() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_dynamic_symbol ( Symbol * symbol)

Remove the given symbol from the dynamic symbols table.

As a side effect, it will remove any ELF::Relocation that refers to this symbol and the SymbolVersion (if any) associated with this symbol

◆ remove_library()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_library ( const std::string & library_name)

Remove the given library from the dependencies.

◆ remove_section()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_section ( const std::string & name,
bool clear = false )

Remove a binary's section.

[in]nameThe name of the section to remove
[in]clearWhether zeroize the original content

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ remove_symbol()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_symbol ( const std::string & name)

Remove symbols with the given name in both:

  • dynamic symbols
  • symtab symbols
See also
remove_symtab_symbol, remove_dynamic_symbol

◆ remove_symtab_symbol() [1/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_symtab_symbol ( const std::string & name)

Remove symtabl symbols with the given name.

◆ remove_symtab_symbol() [2/2]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::remove_symtab_symbol ( Symbol * symbol)

◆ replace()

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::replace ( const Segment & new_segment,
const Segment & original_segment,
uint64_t base = 0 )

Replace the segment given in 2nd parameter with the segment given in the first one and return the updated segment.

The original_segment is no longer valid after this function

◆ section_from_offset() [1/2]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::section_from_offset ( uint64_t offset,
bool skip_nobits = true )

◆ section_from_offset() [2/2]

const Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::section_from_offset ( uint64_t offset,
bool skip_nobits = true ) const

Return the ELF::Section from the given offset. Return a nullptr if a section can't be found.

If skip_nobits is set (which is the case by default), this function won't consider section for which the type is SHT_NOBITS (like .bss, .tbss, ...)

◆ section_from_virtual_address() [1/2]

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::section_from_virtual_address ( uint64_t address,
bool skip_nobits = true )

◆ section_from_virtual_address() [2/2]

const Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::section_from_virtual_address ( uint64_t address,
bool skip_nobits = true ) const

Return the ELF::Section from the given address. Return a nullptr if a section can't be found.

If skip_nobits is set (which is the case by default), this function won't consider section for which type is SHT_NOBITS (like .bss, .tbss, ...)

◆ sections() [1/2]

it_sections LIEF::ELF::Binary::sections ( )

Return an iterator over the binary's sections.

◆ sections() [2/2]

it_const_sections LIEF::ELF::Binary::sections ( ) const

◆ segment_from_offset() [1/2]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_offset ( uint64_t offset)

◆ segment_from_offset() [2/2]

const Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_offset ( uint64_t offset) const

Return the ELF::Segment from the offset. Return a nullptr if a segment can't be found.

◆ segment_from_virtual_address() [1/4]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_virtual_address ( Segment::TYPE type,
uint64_t address )

◆ segment_from_virtual_address() [2/4]

const Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_virtual_address ( Segment::TYPE type,
uint64_t address ) const

◆ segment_from_virtual_address() [3/4]

Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_virtual_address ( uint64_t address)

◆ segment_from_virtual_address() [4/4]

const Segment * LIEF::ELF::Binary::segment_from_virtual_address ( uint64_t address) const

Return the ELF::Segment from the given address. Return a nullptr if a segment can't be found.

◆ segments() [1/2]

it_segments LIEF::ELF::Binary::segments ( )

Return binary's segments.

◆ segments() [2/2]

it_const_segments LIEF::ELF::Binary::segments ( ) const

◆ strings()

string_list_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::strings ( size_t min_size = 5) const

Return list of the strings used by the ELF binary.

Basically, this function looks for string in the .roadata section

◆ strip()

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::strip ( )

Strip the binary by removing symtab symbols.

◆ symbols() [1/2]

it_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols ( )

Return an iterator on both static and dynamic symbols.

◆ symbols() [2/2]

it_const_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols ( ) const

◆ symbols_version() [1/2]

it_symbols_version LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version ( )

Return the symbol versions.

◆ symbols_version() [2/2]

it_const_symbols_version LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version ( ) const

◆ symbols_version_definition() [1/2]

it_symbols_version_definition LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version_definition ( )

Return symbols version definition.

◆ symbols_version_definition() [2/2]

it_const_symbols_version_definition LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version_definition ( ) const

◆ symbols_version_requirement() [1/2]

it_symbols_version_requirement LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version_requirement ( )

Return Symbol version requirement.

◆ symbols_version_requirement() [2/2]

it_const_symbols_version_requirement LIEF::ELF::Binary::symbols_version_requirement ( ) const

◆ symtab_idx() [1/2]

int64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::symtab_idx ( const std::string & name) const

Symbol index from the .symtab section or -1 if the symbol is not present.

◆ symtab_idx() [2/2]

int64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::symtab_idx ( const Symbol & sym) const

◆ symtab_symbols() [1/2]

it_symtab_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::symtab_symbols ( )

Return the debug symbols from the .symtab section.

◆ symtab_symbols() [2/2]

it_const_symtab_symbols LIEF::ELF::Binary::symtab_symbols ( ) const

◆ symtab_symbols_section()

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::symtab_symbols_section ( )

Return section which holds the symtab symbols. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ sysv_hash()

const SysvHash * LIEF::ELF::Binary::sysv_hash ( ) const

Return the SysvHash object as a read-only object If the ELF binary does not use the legacy sysv hash table, return a nullptr.

◆ text_section()

Section * LIEF::ELF::Binary::text_section ( )

Return the .text section. If the section can't be found, it returns a nullptr.

◆ type()

Header::CLASS LIEF::ELF::Binary::type ( ) const

Return binary's class (ELF32 or ELF64)

◆ use_gnu_hash()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::use_gnu_hash ( ) const

true if GNU hash is used

See also
gnu_hash and use_sysv_hash

◆ use_sysv_hash()

bool LIEF::ELF::Binary::use_sysv_hash ( ) const

true if SYSV hash is used

See also
sysv_hash and use_gnu_hash

◆ virtual_address_to_offset()

result< uint64_t > LIEF::ELF::Binary::virtual_address_to_offset ( uint64_t virtual_address) const

Convert a virtual address to a file offset.

◆ virtual_size()

uint64_t LIEF::ELF::Binary::virtual_size ( ) const

Return the size of the mapped binary.

◆ write() [1/4]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::write ( const std::string & filename)

Reconstruct the binary object and write it in filename

This function assumes that the layout of the current ELF binary is correct (i.e. the binary can run).

filenamePath for the written ELF binary

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ write() [2/4]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::write ( const std::string & filename,
Builder::config_t config )

Reconstruct the binary object with the given config and write it in filename

This function assumes that the layout of the current ELF binary is correct (i.e. the binary can run).

filenamePath for the written ELF binary
configBuilder configuration

◆ write() [3/4]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::write ( std::ostream & os)

Reconstruct the binary object and write it in os stream.

This function assumes that the layout of the current ELF binary is correct (i.e. the binary can run).

osOutput stream for the written ELF binary

Implements LIEF::Binary.

◆ write() [4/4]

void LIEF::ELF::Binary::write ( std::ostream & os,
Builder::config_t config )

Reconstruct the binary object with the given config and write it in os stream.

osOutput stream for the written ELF binary
configBuilder configuration

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: