LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats Version 0.16.4
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NLIEFLIEF namespace
 NARTNamespace related to the LIEF's ART module
 NassemblyNamespace related to assembly/disassembly support
 NdscNamespace related to the dyld shared cache support
 NdwarfNamespace for the DWARF debug format
 NELFNamespace related to the LIEF's ELF module
 NMachONamespace related to the LIEF's Mach-O module
 NobjcNamespace related to ObjC metadata
 NPENamespace related to the LIEF's PE module
 CBinaryAbstract binary that exposes an uniform API for the different executable file formats
 CBinaryStreamClass that is used to a read stream of data from different sources
 Cdebug_location_tThis structure holds a debug location (source filename & line)
 CFileStreamStream interface over a std::ifstream
 Cfilter_iteratorIterator which return a ref on container's values given predicates
 CFunctionClass that represents a function in the binary
 Citerator_adaptor_baseCRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type
 Citerator_facade_baseCRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface
 Cok_tOpaque structure used by ok_error_t
 CParserMain interface to parse an executable regardless of its format
 Cpointee_iteratorAn iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some other iterator
 Cref_iteratorIterator which returns reference on container's values
 CRelocationClass which represents an abstracted Relocation
 CSectionClass which represents an abstracted section
 CSymbolThis class represents a symbol in an executable format
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Section::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Segment::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Function::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Header::MODES >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::ExportInfo::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Header::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Section::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::VM_PROTECTIONS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::ACCELERATOR_FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Header::CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV1::IMAGE_GUARD >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::OptionalHeader::DLL_CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Section::CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_CHECKS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::x509::VERIFICATION_FLAGS >
 CMacho_Binary_tLIEF::MachO::Binary C Handler
 CPe_Binary_tLIEF::PE::Binary C Handler