LIEF: Library to Instrument Executable Formats Version 0.16.4
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314]
 CLIEF::pdb::types::AttributeThis class represents an attribute (LF_MEMBER) in an aggregate (class, struct, union, ...)
 CLIEF::BinaryStreamClass that is used to a read stream of data from different sources
 CLIEF::ELF::BuilderClass which takes an ELF::Binary object and reconstructs a valid binary
 CLIEF::MachO::BuilderClass used to rebuild a Mach-O file
 CLIEF::PE::BuilderClass that is used to rebuild a raw PE binary from a PE::Binary object
 CLIEF::details::canbe_unique< T >
 CLIEF::details::canbe_unique< details::Type >
 CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixups::chained_starts_in_segmentStructure that mirrors the raw dyld_chained_starts_in_segment which aims at providing information about the chained rebase/bind fixups
 CLIEF::objc::ClassThis class represents an Objective-C class (@interface)
 CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnitThis class represents a DWARF compilation unit
 CLIEF::pdb::CompilationUnitThis class represents a CompilationUnit (or Module) in a PDB file
 CLIEF::ELF::Builder::config_tConfiguration options to tweak the building process
 CLIEF::MachO::Builder::config_tOptions to tweak the building process
 CLIEF::debug_location_tThis structure holds a debug location (source filename & line)
 CLIEF::objc::DeclOptThis structure wraps options to tweak the generated output of functions like LIEF::objc::Metadata::to_decl
 CLIEF::dsc::DyldSharedCacheThis class represents a dyld shared cache file
 CLIEF::dsc::DylibThis class represents a library embedded in a dyld shared cache. It mirrors the original dyld_cache_image_info structure
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< Enum >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Section::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Segment::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Function::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Header::MODES >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::ExportInfo::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Header::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Section::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::VM_PROTECTIONS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::ACCELERATOR_FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Header::CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV1::IMAGE_GUARD >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::OptionalHeader::DLL_CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Section::CHARACTERISTICS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_CHECKS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_FLAGS >
 CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::x509::VERIFICATION_FLAGS >
 CLIEF::assembly::EngineThis class interfaces the assembler/disassembler support
 CLIEF::ELF::CoreFile::entry_tCore file entry
 CLIEF::dsc::Dylib::extract_opt_tThis structure is used to tweak the extraction process while calling Dylib::get. These options allow to deoptimize the dylib and get an accurate representation of the origin Mach-O binary
 CLIEF::MachO::FatBinaryClass which represent a Mach-O (fat) binary This object is also used for representing Mach-O binaries that are NOT FAT
 CLIEF::filter_iterator< T, U, ITERATOR_T >Iterator which return a ref on container's values given predicates
 CLIEF::dwarf::FunctionThis class represents a DWARF function which can be associated with either: DW_TAG_subprogram or DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine
 CLIEF::assembly::InstructionThis class represents an assembly instruction
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< DerivedT, IteratorCategoryT, T, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT, ReferenceT >CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< BindingInfoIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, const BindingInfo &, std::ptrdiff_t, const BindingInfo *, const BindingInfo & >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< DerivedT, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::iterator_category, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::difference_type, typename std::conditional< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type >::value, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::pointer, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type * >, typename std::conditional< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type >::value, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::reference, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type & >::type >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Instruction >, std::ptrdiff_t, Instruction *, std::unique_ptr< Instruction > >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Operand >, std::ptrdiff_t, Operand *, std::unique_ptr< Operand > >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, const Stub >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Dylib >, std::ptrdiff_t, Dylib *, std::unique_ptr< Dylib > >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< MappingInfo >, std::ptrdiff_t, MappingInfo *, std::unique_ptr< MappingInfo > >
 CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< SubCache >, std::ptrdiff_t, SubCache *, std::unique_ptr< SubCache > >
 Citerator_facade_base< pointee_iterator
 CLIEF::iterator_range< IteratorT >
 CLIEF::objc::IVarThis class represents an instance variable (ivar)
 CLIEF::ART::details::ART_17::Java::jobject_t< T >
 CLIEF::ART::details::ART_17::Java::jobject_t< no_brooks_read_barrier_t >
 CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnit::LanguageLanguages supported by the DWARF (v5) format. See:
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v0< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v1< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v10< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v11< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v2< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v3< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v4< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v5< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v6< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v7< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v8< T >
 CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v9< T >
 CMacho_Binary_tLIEF::MachO::Binary C Handler
 CLIEF::dsc::MappingInfoThis class represents a dyld_cache_mapping_info entry
 CLIEF::dwarf::types::ClassLike::MemberThis represents a class/struct/union attribute
 CLIEF::objc::MetadataThis class is the main interface to inspect Objective-C metadata
 CLIEF::objc::MethodThis class represents an Objective-C Method
 CLIEF::pdb::types::MethodThis class represents a Method (LF_ONEMETHOD) that can be defined in ClassLike PDB type
 CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Memory::offset_tWraps a memory offset as an integer offset or as a register offset
 CLIEF::ok_tOpaque structure used by ok_error_t
 CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::OperandThis class represents an operand for an AArch64 instruction
 CLIEF::assembly::x86::OperandThis class represents an operand for an x86/x86-64 instruction
 CLIEF::dwarf::ParameterThis class represents a DWARF parameter which can be either:
 CLIEF::ART::ParserClass which parses an ART file and transform into a ART::File object
 CLIEF::DEX::ParserClass which parses a DEX file to produce a DEX::File object
 CLIEF::ParserMain interface to parse an executable regardless of its format
 CLIEF::VDEX::ParserClass which parse an VDEX file and transform into a VDEX::File object
 CLIEF::ELF::ParserConfigThis structure is used to tweak the ELF Parser (ELF::Parser)
 CLIEF::MachO::ParserConfigThis structure is used to tweak the MachO Parser (MachO::Parser)
 CLIEF::PE::ParserConfigThis structure is used to tweak the PE Parser (PE::Parser)
 CPe_Binary_tLIEF::PE::Binary C Handler
 CLIEF::ELF::NoteGnuProperty::PropertyThis class wraps the different properties that can be used in a NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0 note
 CLIEF::objc::PropertyThis class represents a @property in Objective-C
 CLIEF::objc::ProtocolThis class represents an Objective-C @protocol
 CLIEF::pdb::PublicSymbolThis class provides general information (RVA, name) about a symbol from the PDB's public symbol stream (or Public symbol hash stream)
 CLIEF::ref_iterator< T, U, ITERATOR_T >Iterator which returns reference on container's values
 CLIEF::PE::RsaInfoObject that wraps a RSA key
 CLIEF::dwarf::ScopeThis class materializes a scope in which Function, Variable, Type, ... can be defined
 CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Memory::shift_info_tThis structure holds shift info (type + value)
 CLIEF::dwarf::types::Array::size_info_tStructure that wraps information about the dimension of this array
 CLIEF::MachO::StubThis class represents a stub entry in sections like __stubs,__auth_stubs
 CLIEF::dsc::SubCacheThis class represents a subcache in the case of large/split dyld shared cache
 CLIEF::dwarf::TypeThis class represents a DWARF Type which includes:
 CLIEF::pdb::TypeThis is the base class for any PDB type
 Ctype >
 CLIEF::dwarf::VariableThis class represents a DWARF variable which can be owned by a dwarf::Function or a dwarf::CompilationUnit