CLIEF::ASN1Reader | |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Attribute | This class represents an attribute (LF_MEMBER ) in an aggregate (class, struct, union, ...) |
CLIEF::PE::AuxiliarySymbol | |
►CLIEF::BinaryStream | Class that is used to a read stream of data from different sources |
CLIEF::FileStream | Stream interface over a std::ifstream |
CLIEF::MemoryStream | |
CLIEF::SpanStream | |
CLIEF::VectorStream | |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixupsCreator::binding_info_t | |
CLIEF::ART::details::ART_17::Java::brooks_read_barrier_t | |
CLIEF::ELF::Builder | Class which takes an ELF::Binary object and reconstructs a valid binary |
CLIEF::MachO::Builder | Class used to rebuild a Mach-O file |
CLIEF::PE::Builder | Class that is used to rebuild a raw PE binary from a PE::Binary object |
CLIEF::details::canbe_unique< T > | |
CLIEF::details::canbe_unique< details::Type > | |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixups::chained_starts_in_segment | Structure that mirrors the raw dyld_chained_starts_in_segment which aims at providing information about the chained rebase/bind fixups |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis | |
CLIEF::objc::Class | This class represents an Objective-C class (@interface ) |
CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnit | This class represents a DWARF compilation unit |
CLIEF::pdb::CompilationUnit | This class represents a CompilationUnit (or Module) in a PDB file |
CLIEF::ELF::Builder::config_t | Configuration options to tweak the building process |
CLIEF::MachO::Builder::config_t | Options to tweak the building process |
CLIEF::debug_location_t | This structure holds a debug location (source filename & line) |
►CLIEF::DebugInfo | |
CLIEF::dwarf::DebugInfo | This class represents a DWARF debug information. It can embed different compilation units which can be accessed through compilation_units() |
CLIEF::pdb::DebugInfo | This class provides an interface for PDB files. One can instantiate this class using LIEF::pdb::load() or LIEF::pdb::DebugInfo::from_file |
CLIEF::objc::DeclOpt | This structure wraps options to tweak the generated output of functions like LIEF::objc::Metadata::to_decl |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_32_bind_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_32_cache_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_32_firmware_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_32_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_64_bind_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_64_kernel_cache_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_64_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_auth_bind24_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_auth_bind_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_auth_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_bind24_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_bind_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::dyld_chained_ptr_arm64e_rebase_t | |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixupsCreator | |
CLIEF::dsc::DyldSharedCache | This class represents a dyld shared cache file |
CLIEF::dsc::Dylib | This class represents a library embedded in a dyld shared cache. It mirrors the original dyld_cache_image_info structure |
CLIEF::OAT::Header::element_t | |
CElf_Binary_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_Array_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_Flags_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_Library_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_Rpath_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_RunPath_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_SharedObject_t | |
CElf_DynamicEntry_t | |
CElf_Header_t | |
CElf_Section_t | |
CElf_Segment_t | |
CElf_Symbol_t | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< Enum > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Section::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::ELF::Segment::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Function::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::Header::MODES > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::ExportInfo::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Header::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::Section::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand::VM_PROTECTIONS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::ACCELERATOR_FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Header::CHARACTERISTICS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV1::IMAGE_GUARD > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::OptionalHeader::DLL_CHARACTERISTICS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Section::CHARACTERISTICS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_CHECKS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::Signature::VERIFICATION_FLAGS > | |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< LIEF::PE::x509::VERIFICATION_FLAGS > | |
CLIEF::assembly::Engine | This class interfaces the assembler/disassembler support |
CLIEF::ELF::CoreFile::entry_t | Core file entry |
CLIEF::dsc::Dylib::extract_opt_t | This structure is used to tweak the extraction process while calling Dylib::get. These options allow to deoptimize the dylib and get an accurate representation of the origin Mach-O binary |
CLIEF::MachO::FatBinary | Class which represent a Mach-O (fat) binary This object is also used for representing Mach-O binaries that are NOT FAT |
CLIEF::DEX::fill_array_data | |
CLIEF::filter_iterator< T, U, ITERATOR_T > | Iterator which return a ref on container's values given predicates |
CLIEF::PE::ExportEntry::forward_information_t | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Function | This class represents a DWARF function which can be associated with either: DW_TAG_subprogram or DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine |
CLIEF::pdb::Function | |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrPsInfo::info_t | |
►CLIEF::assembly::Instruction | This class represents an assembly instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::Instruction | This class represents an AArch64 instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::arm::Instruction | This class represents an ARM/Thumb instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::ebpf::Instruction | This class represents an eBPF instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::mips::Instruction | This class represents a Mips instruction (including mips64, mips32) |
CLIEF::assembly::powerpc::Instruction | |
CLIEF::assembly::riscv::Instruction | This class represents a RISC-V (32 or 64 bit) instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::Instruction | This class represents a x86/x86-64 instruction |
CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnit::Iterator | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Function::Iterator | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Type::Iterator | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Variable::Iterator | |
CLIEF::objc::Class::Iterator | |
CLIEF::objc::IVar::Iterator | |
CLIEF::objc::Method::Iterator | |
CLIEF::objc::Property::Iterator | |
CLIEF::objc::Protocol::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::CompilationUnit::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::Function::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::PublicSymbol::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::Type::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Attribute::Iterator | |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Method::Iterator | |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< DerivedT, IteratorCategoryT, T, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT, ReferenceT > | CRTP base class which implements the entire standard iterator facade in terms of a minimal subset of the interface |
►CLIEF::iterator_adaptor_base< DerivedT, WrappedIteratorT, IteratorCategoryT, T, DifferenceTypeT, PointerT, ReferenceT > | CRTP base class for adapting an iterator to a different type |
CLIEF::pointee_iterator< WrappedIteratorT, T > | An iterator type that allows iterating over the pointees via some other iterator |
CLIEF::pointer_iterator< WrappedIteratorT, T > | |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< BindingInfoIterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, const BindingInfo &, std::ptrdiff_t, const BindingInfo *, const BindingInfo & > | |
CLIEF::MachO::BindingInfoIterator | |
CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< DerivedT, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::iterator_category, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::difference_type, typename std::conditional< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type >::value, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::pointer, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type * >, typename std::conditional< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type >::value, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::reference, typename std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::value_type & >::type > | |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Instruction >, std::ptrdiff_t, Instruction *, std::unique_ptr< Instruction > > | |
CLIEF::assembly::Instruction::Iterator | Lazy-forward iterator that outputs Instruction |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Operand >, std::ptrdiff_t, Operand *, std::unique_ptr< Operand > > | |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::Operand::Iterator | Forward iterator that outputs aarch64 Operand as std::unique_ptr |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::Operand::Iterator | Forward iterator that outputs x86 Operand as std::unique_ptr |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, const Stub > | |
CLIEF::MachO::Stub::Iterator | |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< Dylib >, std::ptrdiff_t, Dylib *, std::unique_ptr< Dylib > > | |
CLIEF::dsc::Dylib::Iterator | Dylib Iterator |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< MappingInfo >, std::ptrdiff_t, MappingInfo *, std::unique_ptr< MappingInfo > > | |
CLIEF::dsc::MappingInfo::Iterator | MappingInfo Iterator |
►CLIEF::iterator_facade_base< Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::unique_ptr< SubCache >, std::ptrdiff_t, SubCache *, std::unique_ptr< SubCache > > | |
CLIEF::dsc::SubCache::Iterator | SubCache Iterator |
►Citerator_facade_base< pointee_iterator | |
CLIEF::iterator_adaptor_base< pointee_iterator< WrappedIteratorT, typename std::remove_reference< decltype(**std::declval< WrappedIteratorT >())>::type >, WrappedIteratorT, std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::iterator_category, typename std::remove_reference< decltype(**std::declval< WrappedIteratorT >())>::type > | |
CLIEF::iterator_range< IteratorT > | |
CLIEF::objc::IVar | This class represents an instance variable (ivar) |
CLIEF::ART::details::ART_17::Java::jobject_t< T > | |
CLIEF::ART::details::ART_17::Java::jobject_t< no_brooks_read_barrier_t > | |
CLIEF::MachO::Binary::KeyCmp | |
CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnit::Language | Languages supported by the DWARF (v5) format. See: |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v0< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v1< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v10< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v11< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v2< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v3< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v4< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v5< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v6< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v7< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v8< T > | |
CLIEF::PE::details::load_configuration_v9< T > | |
CMacho_Binary_t | LIEF::MachO::Binary C Handler |
CMacho_Command_t | |
CMacho_Header_t | |
CMacho_Section_t | |
CMacho_Segment_t | |
CMacho_Symbol_t | |
CLIEF::dsc::MappingInfo | This class represents a dyld_cache_mapping_info entry |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::ClassLike::Member | This represents a class/struct/union attribute |
CLIEF::objc::Metadata | This class is the main interface to inspect Objective-C metadata |
CLIEF::objc::Method | This class represents an Objective-C Method |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Method | This class represents a Method (LF_ONEMETHOD ) that can be defined in ClassLike PDB type |
CLIEF::ART::details::no_brooks_read_barrier_t | |
►CLIEF::Object | |
CLIEF::ART::File | |
CLIEF::ART::Header | |
►CLIEF::Binary | Abstract binary that exposes an uniform API for the different executable file formats |
►CLIEF::ELF::Binary | Class which represents an ELF binary |
CLIEF::OAT::Binary | |
CLIEF::MachO::Binary | Class which represents a MachO binary |
CLIEF::PE::Binary | Class which represents a PE binary This is the main interface to manage and modify a PE executable |
CLIEF::DEX::Class | Class which represents a DEX Class (i.e. a Java/Kotlin class) |
CLIEF::DEX::CodeInfo | |
CLIEF::DEX::Field | Class which represent a DEX Field |
CLIEF::DEX::File | Class that represents a DEX file |
CLIEF::DEX::Header | Class which represents the DEX header. This is the first structure that begins the DEX format |
CLIEF::DEX::MapItem | Class which represents an element of the MapList object |
CLIEF::DEX::MapList | Class which represents the map_list structure that follows the main DEX header |
CLIEF::DEX::Method | Class which represents a DEX::Method |
CLIEF::DEX::Prototype | Class which represents a DEX method prototype |
CLIEF::DEX::Type | Class which represents a DEX type as described in the format specifications: |
►CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntry | Class which represents an entry in the dynamic table These entries are located in the .dynamic section or the PT_DYNAMIC segment |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntryArray | Class that represent an Array in the dynamic table. This entry is associated with constructors: |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntryFlags | |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntryLibrary | Class which represents a DT_NEEDED entry in the dynamic table |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntryRpath | Class which represents a DT_RPATH entry. This attribute is deprecated (cf. man ld ) in favour of DT_RUNPATH (See DynamicRunPath) |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicEntryRunPath | Class that represents a DT_RUNPATH wich is used by the loader to resolve libraries (DynamicEntryLibrary) |
CLIEF::ELF::DynamicSharedObject | Class which represents a DT_SONAME entry in the dynamic table This kind of entry is usually used to name the original library |
CLIEF::ELF::GnuHash | Class which provides a view over the GNU Hash implementation. Most of the fields are read-only since the values are re-computed by the LIEF::ELF::Builder |
CLIEF::ELF::Header | Class which represents the ELF's header. This class mirrors the raw ELF Elfxx_Ehdr structure |
►CLIEF::ELF::Note | Class which represents an ELF note. This class can be instantiated using the static Note::create functions |
CLIEF::ELF::AndroidIdent | Class representing the "" section |
CLIEF::ELF::CoreAuxv | Class representing core auxv object |
CLIEF::ELF::CoreFile | Class representing a core NT_FILE which describes the mapped files of the process |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrPsInfo | Class representing the NT_PRPSINFO core note. This kind of note represents general information about the process |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrStatus | Class representing core PrPsInfo object |
CLIEF::ELF::CoreSigInfo | Class representing a core siginfo object |
CLIEF::ELF::NoteAbi | Class that wraps the NT_GNU_ABI_TAG note |
CLIEF::ELF::NoteGnuProperty | Class that wraps the NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0 note |
CLIEF::ELF::QNXStack | Class representing the QNX QNT_STACK note |
CLIEF::ELF::Segment | Class which represents the ELF segments |
CLIEF::ELF::SymbolVersion | Class which represents an entry defined in the DT_VERSYM dynamic entry |
►CLIEF::ELF::SymbolVersionAux | Class which represents an Auxiliary Symbol version |
CLIEF::ELF::SymbolVersionAuxRequirement | |
CLIEF::ELF::SymbolVersionDefinition | Class which represents an entry defined in DT_VERDEF or .gnu.version_d |
CLIEF::ELF::SymbolVersionRequirement | Class which represents an entry in the DT_VERNEED or .gnu.version_r table |
CLIEF::ELF::SysvHash | Class which represents the SYSV hash for the symbols resolution |
CLIEF::Header | |
►CLIEF::MachO::BindingInfo | Class that provides an interface over a binding operation |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedBindingInfo | This class represents a symbol binding operation associated with the LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS command |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldBindingInfo | This class represents a symbol binding operation associated with the LC_DYLD_INFO bytecode |
CLIEF::MachO::IndirectBindingInfo | This class represents a binding operation infered from the indirect symbol table |
CLIEF::MachO::BuildToolVersion | Class that represents a tool's version that was involved in the build of the binary |
CLIEF::MachO::DataCodeEntry | Interface over an entry in the DataInCode command |
CLIEF::MachO::ExportInfo | Class that provides an interface over the Dyld export info |
CLIEF::MachO::Header | Class that represents the Mach-O header |
►CLIEF::MachO::LoadCommand | Based class for the Mach-O load commands |
CLIEF::MachO::BuildVersion | |
CLIEF::MachO::CodeSignature | |
CLIEF::MachO::CodeSignatureDir | |
CLIEF::MachO::DataInCode | Interface of the LC_DATA_IN_CODE command This command is used to list slices of code sections that contain data. The slices information are stored as an array of DataCodeEntry |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixups | Class that represents the LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS command |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldEnvironment | Class that represents a LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT command which is used by the Mach-O linker/loader to initialize an environment variable |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldExportsTrie | Class that represents the LC_DYLD_EXPORTS_TRIE command |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldInfo | Class that represents the LC_DYLD_INFO and LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY commands |
CLIEF::MachO::DylibCommand | Class which represents a library dependency |
CLIEF::MachO::DylinkerCommand | Class that represents the Mach-O linker, also named loader. Most of the time, DylinkerCommand::name() should return /usr/lib/dyld |
CLIEF::MachO::DynamicSymbolCommand | Class that represents the LC_DYSYMTAB command |
CLIEF::MachO::EncryptionInfo | Class that represents the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO / LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 commands |
CLIEF::MachO::FilesetCommand | Class associated with the LC_FILESET_ENTRY commands |
CLIEF::MachO::FunctionStarts | Class which represents the LC_FUNCTION_STARTS command |
CLIEF::MachO::LinkerOptHint | Class which represents the LC_LINKER_OPTIMIZATION_HINT command |
CLIEF::MachO::MainCommand | Class that represent the LC_MAIN command. This kind of command can be used to determine the entrypoint of an executable |
CLIEF::MachO::RPathCommand | Class that represents the LC_RPATH command |
CLIEF::MachO::Routine | Class that represents the LC_ROUTINE/LC_ROUTINE64 commands. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation: |
►CLIEF::MachO::SegmentCommand | Class which represents a LoadCommand::TYPE::SEGMENT / LoadCommand::TYPE::SEGMENT_64 command |
CLIEF::MachO::LinkEdit | |
CLIEF::MachO::SegmentSplitInfo | Class that represents the LoadCommand::TYPE::SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command |
CLIEF::MachO::SourceVersion | Class that represents the MachO LoadCommand::TYPE::SOURCE_VERSION This command is used to provide the version of the sources used to build the binary |
CLIEF::MachO::SubClient | Class that represents the SubClient command. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation: |
CLIEF::MachO::SubFramework | Class that represents the SubFramework command. Accodring to the Mach-O loader.h documentation: |
CLIEF::MachO::SymbolCommand | Class that represents the LC_SYMTAB command |
CLIEF::MachO::ThreadCommand | Class that represents the LC_THREAD / LC_UNIXTHREAD commands and that can be used to get the binary entrypoint when the LC_MAIN (MainCommand) is not present |
CLIEF::MachO::TwoLevelHints | Class which represents the LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command |
CLIEF::MachO::UUIDCommand | Class that represents the UUID command |
CLIEF::MachO::UnknownCommand | Generic class when the command is not recognized by LIEF |
CLIEF::MachO::VersionMin | Class that wraps the LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX, LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS, ... commands |
CLIEF::OAT::Class | |
CLIEF::OAT::DexFile | |
CLIEF::OAT::Header | |
CLIEF::OAT::Method | |
►CLIEF::PE::Attribute | Interface over PKCS #7 attribute |
CLIEF::PE::ContentType | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.3 (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::GenericType | Interface over an attribute for which the internal structure is not supported by LIEF |
CLIEF::PE::MsCounterSign | This class exposes the MS Counter Signature attribute |
CLIEF::PE::MsManifestBinaryID | Interface over the structure described by the OID (szOID_PLATFORM_MANIFEST_BINARY_ID) |
CLIEF::PE::MsSpcNestedSignature | Interface over the structure described by the OID |
CLIEF::PE::MsSpcStatementType | Interface over the structure described by the OID |
CLIEF::PE::PKCS9AtSequenceNumber | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549. (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::PKCS9CounterSignature | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.6 (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::PKCS9MessageDigest | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.4 (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::PKCS9SigningTime | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.5 (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::SigningCertificateV2 | SigningCertificateV2 ::= SEQUENCE { certs SEQUENCE OF ESSCertIDv2, policies SEQUENCE OF PolicyInformation OPTIONAL } |
CLIEF::PE::SpcRelaxedPeMarkerCheck | |
CLIEF::PE::SpcSpOpusInfo | Interface over the structure described by the OID |
CLIEF::PE::CodeIntegrity | |
CLIEF::PE::ContentInfo | |
►CLIEF::PE::ContentInfo::Content | |
CLIEF::PE::GenericContent | |
CLIEF::PE::PKCS9TSTInfo | Interface over the structure described by the OID 1.2.840.113549. (PKCS #9) |
CLIEF::PE::SpcIndirectData | |
CLIEF::PE::DataDirectory | Class that represents a PE data directory entry |
►CLIEF::PE::Debug | This class represents a generic entry in the debug data directory. For known types, this class is extended to provide a dedicated API (see: ! CodeCodeView) |
►CLIEF::PE::CodeView | Interface for the (generic) Debug CodeView (IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW ) |
CLIEF::PE::CodeViewPDB | CodeView PDB specialization |
CLIEF::PE::Pogo | This class represents a Profile Guided Optimization entry from the debug directory (IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_POGO ) |
CLIEF::PE::Repro | This class represents a reproducible build entry from the debug directory. (IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_REPRO ). This entry is usually generated with the undocumented /Brepro linker flag |
CLIEF::PE::DelayImport | Class that represents a PE delayed import |
CLIEF::PE::DosHeader | Class which represents the DosHeader, the first structure presents at the beginning of a PE file |
CLIEF::PE::Export | Class which represents a PE Export |
CLIEF::PE::Header | Class that represents the PE header (which follows the DosHeader) |
CLIEF::PE::Import | Class that represents a PE import |
CLIEF::PE::LangCodeItem | Class which represents the childs of the ResourceStringFileInfo |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfiguration | Class that represents the default PE's LoadConfiguration |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV0 | LoadConfiguration enhanced with SEH |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV1 | LoadConfiguration enhanced with Control Flow Guard |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV2 | LoadConfiguration enhanced with code integrity |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV3 | LoadConfiguration with Control Flow Guard improved |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV4 | Load Configuration enhanced with |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV5 | Load Configuration enhanced with Return Flow Guard |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV6 | Load Configuration enhanced with Hotpatch and improved RFG |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV7 | |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV8 | |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV9 | |
►CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV10 | |
CLIEF::PE::LoadConfigurationV11 | |
CLIEF::PE::OptionalHeader | Class which represents the PE OptionalHeader structure |
CLIEF::PE::PogoEntry | |
CLIEF::PE::Relocation | Class which represents the Base Relocation Block We usually find this structure in the .reloc section |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceAccelerator | |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceDialog | Representation of a dialog box |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceDialogItem | This class represents an item in the ResourceDialog |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceFixedFileInfo | Representation of VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Structure |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceIcon | |
►CLIEF::PE::ResourceNode | Class which represents a Node in the resource tree |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceData | Class which represents a Data Node in the PE resources tree |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceDirectory | |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceStringFileInfo | Representation of the StringFileInfo structure |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceStringTable | |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceVarFileInfo | This object describes information about languages supported by the application |
CLIEF::PE::ResourceVersion | Representation of the data associated with the RT_VERSION entry |
CLIEF::PE::ResourcesManager | The Resource Manager provides an enhanced API to manipulate the resource tree |
CLIEF::PE::RichEntry | Class which represents an entry associated to the RichHeader |
CLIEF::PE::RichHeader | Class which represents the not-so-documented rich header |
CLIEF::PE::Signature | Main interface for the PKCS #7 signature scheme |
CLIEF::PE::SignerInfo | |
CLIEF::PE::TLS | Class which represents the PE Thread Local Storage |
CLIEF::PE::x509 | Interface over a x509 certificate |
►CLIEF::Relocation | Class which represents an abstracted Relocation |
CLIEF::ELF::Relocation | Class that represents an ELF relocation |
►CLIEF::MachO::Relocation | Class that represents a Mach-O relocation |
CLIEF::MachO::RelocationDyld | Class that represents a relocation found in the DyldInfo structure |
CLIEF::MachO::RelocationFixup | Class that represents a rebase relocation found in the LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS command |
CLIEF::MachO::RelocationObject | Class that represents a relocation presents in the MachO object file (.o ). Usually, this kind of relocation is found in the MachO::Section |
CLIEF::PE::RelocationEntry | Class which represents an entry of the PE relocation table |
►CLIEF::Section | Class which represents an abstracted section |
CLIEF::ELF::Section | Class wich represents an ELF Section |
CLIEF::MachO::Section | Class that represents a Mach-O section |
CLIEF::PE::Section | Class which represents a PE section |
►CLIEF::Symbol | This class represents a symbol in an executable format |
CLIEF::ELF::Symbol | Class which represents an ELF symbol |
CLIEF::Function | Class that represents a function in the binary |
CLIEF::MachO::Symbol | Class that represents a Symbol in a Mach-O file |
CLIEF::PE::DelayImportEntry | Class that represents an entry (i.e. an import) in the delay import table (DelayImport) |
CLIEF::PE::ExportEntry | Class which represents a PE Export entry (cf. PE::Export) |
CLIEF::PE::ImportEntry | Class that represents an entry (i.e. an import) in the import table (Import) |
CLIEF::PE::Symbol | Class that represents a PE symbol |
CLIEF::VDEX::File | Main class for the VDEX module which represents a VDEX file |
CLIEF::VDEX::Header | |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Memory::offset_t | Wraps a memory offset as an integer offset or as a register offset |
CLIEF::ok_t | Opaque structure used by ok_error_t |
►CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::Operand | This class represents an operand for an AArch64 instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Immediate | This class represents an immediate operand (i.e. a constant) |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Memory | This class represents a memory operand |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::PCRelative | This class represents a PC-relative operand |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Register | This class represents a register operand |
►CLIEF::assembly::x86::Operand | This class represents an operand for an x86/x86-64 instruction |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::operands::Immediate | This class represents an immediate operand (i.e. a constant) |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::operands::Memory | This class represents a memory operand |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::operands::PCRelative | This class represents a RIP/EIP-relative operand |
CLIEF::assembly::x86::operands::Register | This class represents a register operand |
CLIEF::DEX::packed_switch | |
►CLIEF::dwarf::Parameter | This class represents a DWARF parameter which can be either: |
CLIEF::dwarf::parameters::Formal | This class represents a regular function parameter |
CLIEF::dwarf::parameters::TemplateType | This class represents a template type parameter |
CLIEF::dwarf::parameters::TemplateValue | This class represents a template value parameter |
CLIEF::ART::Parser | Class which parses an ART file and transform into a ART::File object |
CLIEF::DEX::Parser | Class which parses a DEX file to produce a DEX::File object |
►CLIEF::Parser | Main interface to parse an executable regardless of its format |
►CLIEF::ELF::Parser | Class which parses and transforms an ELF file into a ELF::Binary object |
CLIEF::OAT::Parser | Class to parse an OAT file to produce an OAT::Binary |
CLIEF::MachO::BinaryParser | Class used to parse a single binary (i.e. non-FAT) |
CLIEF::MachO::Parser | The main interface to parse a Mach-O binary |
CLIEF::PE::Parser | Main interface to parse PE binaries. In particular the static functions: Parser::parse should be used to get a LIEF::PE::Binary |
CLIEF::VDEX::Parser | Class which parse an VDEX file and transform into a VDEX::File object |
CLIEF::ELF::ParserConfig | This structure is used to tweak the ELF Parser (ELF::Parser) |
CLIEF::MachO::ParserConfig | This structure is used to tweak the MachO Parser (MachO::Parser) |
CLIEF::PE::ParserConfig | This structure is used to tweak the PE Parser (PE::Parser) |
CPe_Binary_t | LIEF::PE::Binary C Handler |
CPe_DataDirectory_t | |
CPe_DosHeader_t | |
CPe_Header_t | |
CPe_Import_t | |
CPe_ImportEntry_t | |
CPe_OptionalHeader_t | |
CPe_Section_t | |
CLIEF::dwarf::CompilationUnit::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Function::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Type::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Variable::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::objc::Class::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::objc::IVar::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::objc::Method::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::objc::Property::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::objc::Protocol::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::CompilationUnit::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::Function::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::PublicSymbol::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::Type::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Attribute::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Method::Iterator::PointerProxy | |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrStatus::pr_status_t | |
►CLIEF::ELF::NoteGnuProperty::Property | This class wraps the different properties that can be used in a NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0 note |
CLIEF::ELF::AArch64Feature | This class represents the GNU_PROPERTY_AARCH64_FEATURE_1_AND property |
CLIEF::ELF::AArch64PAuth | This class represents the GNU_PROPERTY_AARCH64_FEATURE_PAUTH property |
CLIEF::ELF::Generic | This class represents a property which doesn't have a concrete LIEF implementation |
CLIEF::ELF::Needed | |
CLIEF::ELF::NoteNoCopyOnProtected | This class provides an interface over the GNU_PROPERTY_NO_COPY_ON_PROTECTED property. This property indicates that the linker shouldn't copy relocations against protected symbols |
CLIEF::ELF::StackSize | This class provides an interface over the GNU_PROPERTY_STACK_SIZE property |
CLIEF::ELF::X86Features | This class interfaces the different GNU_PROPERTY_X86_FEATURE_* properties which includes: |
CLIEF::ELF::X86ISA | This class interfaces the different GNU_PROPERTY_X86_ISA_* properties which includes: |
CLIEF::objc::Property | This class represents a @property in Objective-C |
CLIEF::objc::Protocol | This class represents an Objective-C @protocol |
CLIEF::pdb::PublicSymbol | This class provides general information (RVA, name) about a symbol from the PDB's public symbol stream (or Public symbol hash stream) |
CLIEF::MachO::Binary::range_t | |
CLIEF::range_t | |
CLIEF::ref_iterator< T, U, ITERATOR_T > | Iterator which returns reference on container's values |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Register::reg_t | |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrStatus::Registers | |
CLIEF::MachO::DyldChainedFixupsCreator::reloc_info_t | |
CLIEF::PE::RsaInfo | Object that wraps a RSA key |
CLIEF::dwarf::Scope | This class materializes a scope in which Function, Variable, Type, ... can be defined |
CLIEF::logging::Scoped | |
CLIEF::ScopedStream | |
CLIEF::assembly::aarch64::operands::Memory::shift_info_t | This structure holds shift info (type + value) |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrStatus::siginfo_t | |
CLIEF::PE::SignatureParser | |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Array::size_info_t | Structure that wraps information about the dimension of this array |
CLIEF::DEX::sparse_switch | |
CLIEF::MachO::Stub | This class represents a stub entry in sections like __stubs,__auth_stubs |
CLIEF::dsc::SubCache | This class represents a subcache in the case of large/split dyld shared cache |
CLIEF::MachO::Stub::target_info_t | |
CLIEF::ELF::CorePrStatus::timeval_t | |
CLIEF::ToggleEndianness | |
►CLIEF::dwarf::Type | This class represents a DWARF Type which includes: |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Array | This class represents a DW_TAG_array_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Atomic | This class represents a DW_TAG_atomic_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Base | This class wraps the DW_TAG_base_type type which can be used – for instance – to represent integers or primitive types |
►CLIEF::dwarf::types::ClassLike | This class abstracts a DWARF aggregate: DW_TAG_structure_type , DW_TAG_class_type , DW_TAG_union_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Class | This class represents a DWARF class type (DW_TAG_class_type ) |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Packed | This class represents a DWARF packed type (DW_TAG_packed_type ) |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Structure | This class represents a DWARF struct type (DW_TAG_structure_type ) |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Union | This class represents a DWARF class type (DW_TAG_union_type ) |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Coarray | This class represents a DW_TAG_coarray_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Const | This class represents a DW_TAG_const_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Dynamic | This class represents a DW_TAG_dynamic_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Enum | This class represents a DW_TAG_enumeration_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::File | This class represents a DW_TAG_file_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Immutable | This class represents a DW_TAG_immutable_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Interface | This class represents a DW_TAG_interface_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Pointer | This class represents a DW_TAG_pointer_type DWARF type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::PointerToMember | This class represents a DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::RValueReference | This class represents a DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Reference | This class represents a DW_TAG_reference_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Restrict | This class represents a DW_TAG_restrict_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::SetTy | This class represents a DW_TAG_set_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Shared | This class represents a DW_TAG_shared_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::StringTy | This class represents a DW_TAG_string_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Subroutine | This class represents a DW_TAG_subroutine_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::TemplateAlias | This class represents a DW_TAG_template_alias |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Thrown | This class represents a DW_TAG_thrown_type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Typedef | This class represents a DW_TAG_typedef type |
CLIEF::dwarf::types::Volatile | This class represents a DW_TAG_volatile_type |
►CLIEF::pdb::Type | This is the base class for any PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Array | This class represents a LF_ARRAY PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::BitField | This class represents a LF_BITFIELD PDB type |
►CLIEF::pdb::types::ClassLike | This class abstracts the following PDB types: LF_STRUCTURE , LF_INTERFACE , LF_CLASS or LF_UNION |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Class | Interface for the LF_CLASS PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Interface | Interface for the LF_INTERFACE PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Structure | Interface for the LF_STRUCTURE PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Union | This class represents a LF_UNION PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Enum | This class represents a LF_ENUM PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Function | This class represents a LF_PROCEDURE PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Modifier | This class represents a LF_MODIFIER PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Pointer | This class represents a LF_POINTER PDB type |
CLIEF::pdb::types::Simple | This class represents a primitive types (int, float, ...) which are also named simple types in the PDB format |
►Ctype > | |
CLIEF::iterator_adaptor_base< pointer_iterator< WrappedIteratorT, decltype(&*std::declval< WrappedIteratorT >()) >, WrappedIteratorT, std::iterator_traits< WrappedIteratorT >::iterator_category, decltype(&*std::declval< WrappedIteratorT >()) > | |
CLIEF::MachO::ChainedPointerAnalysis::union_pointer_t | |
CLIEF::dwarf::Variable | This class represents a DWARF variable which can be owned by a dwarf::Function or a dwarf::CompilationUnit |
CLIEF::vector_iostream | |
►CLIEF::Visitor | |
►CLIEF::Hash | |
CLIEF::ART::Hash | |
CLIEF::AbstractHash | |
CLIEF::DEX::Hash | Class which implements a visitor to compute a deterministic hash for LIEF DEX objects |
CLIEF::ELF::Hash | Class which implements a visitor to compute a deterministic hash for LIEF ELF objects |
CLIEF::MachO::Hash | Class which implements a visitor to compute a deterministic hash for LIEF MachO objects |
CLIEF::OAT::Hash | |
CLIEF::PE::Hash | Class which implements a visitor to compute a deterministic hash for LIEF PE objects |
CLIEF::VDEX::Hash | |