Bases: Instruction
This class represents a x86/x86-64 instruction
The instruction opcode as defined in LLVM
Iterator over the operands of the current instruction
See: lief.assembly.x86.OPCODE
Bases: object
This class represents an operand for an x86/x86-64 instruction
Pretty representation of the operand
Bases: Operand
This class represents a memory operand.
For instance:
movq xmm3, qword ptr [rip + 823864];
| | |
Base: rip Scale: 1 Displacement: 823864
The base register.
For lea rdx, [rip + 244634]
it would return rip
The displacement value.
For call qword ptr [rip + 248779]
it would return 248779
The scale value associated with the scaled_register
For mov rdi, qword ptr [r13 + 8*r14]
it would return 8
The scaled register.
For mov rdi, qword ptr [r13 + 8*r14]
it would return r14
The segment register associated with the memory operation.
For mov eax, dword ptr gs:[0]
is would return gs