
Compared to DWARF debug info, the PDB debug info are always externalized from the original binary. Nevertheless, the original binary keeps the path of the PDB file in the attribute .
import lief

pe = lief.PE.parse("some.exe")
if debug_info := pe.debug_info:
    assert isinstance(debug_info, lief.pdb.DebugInfo)
    print(f"PDB Debug handler: {debug_info}")

# Or you can load the PDB directly:
pdb: lief.pdb.DebugInfo = lief.pdb.load("some.pdb")
At this point, the PDB instance () can be used to explore the PDB debug info:
print("arg={}, guid={}", pdb.age, pdb.guid)

for sym in pdb.public_symbols:
    print("name={}, section={}, RVA={}",
          sym.name, sym.section_name, sym.RVA)

for ty in pdb.types:
    if isinstance(ty, lief.pdb.types.Class):
        print("Class[name]={}", ty.name)

for cu in pdb.compilation_units:
    print("module={}", cu.module_name)
    for src in cu.sources:
        print("  - {}", src)

    for func in cu.functions:
        print("name={}, section={}, RVA={}, code_size={}",
              func.name, func.section_name, func.RVA, func.code_size)


You can find the documentation of the API for the different languages here:

Python API


Rust API: lief::pdb