
lief.dsc.load(*args) lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache | None
lief.dsc.load(path: os.PathLike, arch: str = '') lief._lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache | None

Overloaded function.

  1. load(files: list[str]) -> Optional[lief._lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache]

    Load a shared cache from a list of files.

    files = [
    cache = lief.dsc.load(files);
  2. load(path: os.PathLike, arch: str = '') -> Optional[lief._lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache]

    Load a shared cache from the a single file or from a directory specified by the path parameter.

    In the case where multiple architectures are available in the path directory, the arch parameter can be used to define which architecture should be prefered.


    // From a directory (split caches)
    cache = lief.dsc.load("vision-pro-2.0/");
    // From a single cache file
    cache = lief.dsc.load("ios-14.2/dyld_shared_cache_arm64");
    // From a directory with multiple architectures
    cache = lief.dsc.load("macos-12.6/", "x86_64h");

Cache Processing


If you aim at extracting several libraries from a dyld shared cache, it is highly recommended to enable caching. Otherwise, performances can be impacted.

lief.dsc.enable_cache(*args) bool
lief.dsc.enable_cache(target_cache_dir: str) bool

Overloaded function.

  1. enable_cache() -> bool

    Enable globally cache/memoization. One can also leverage this function by setting the environment variable DYLDSC_ENABLE_CACHE to 1

    By default, LIEF will use the directory specified by the environment variable DYLDSC_CACHE_DIR as its cache-root directory:

    DYLDSC_ENABLE_CACHE=1 DYLDSC_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/my_dir python ./

    Otherwise, if DYLDSC_CACHE_DIR is not set, LIEF will use the following directory (in this priority):

    1. System or user cache directory

    • macOS: DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR / DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR + /dyld_shared_cache

    • Linux: ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/dyld_shared_cache

    • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\dyld_shared_cache

    1. Home directory

    • macOS/Linux: $HOME/.dyld_shared_cache

    • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.dyld_shared_cache

    See lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.enable_caching() for a finer granularity

  2. enable_cache(target_cache_dir: str) -> bool

    Same behavior as the other enable_cache() function but using a user-provided cache directory instead of an inferred one.


class lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache

Bases: object

This class represents a dyld shared cache file.

class ARCH

Bases: object

ARM64 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.ARM64
ARM64E = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.ARM64E
ARMV5 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.ARMV5
ARMV6 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.ARMV6
ARMV7 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.ARMV7
I386 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.I386
UNKNOWN = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.UNKNOWN
X86_64 = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.X86_64
X86_64H = lief._lief.dsc.ARCH.X86_64H

Bases: object

ANY = lief._lief.dsc.PLATFORM.ANY
IOS = lief._lief.dsc.PLATFORM.IOS
MACOS = lief._lief.dsc.PLATFORM.MACOS
SEPOS = lief._lief.dsc.PLATFORM.SEPOS
TVOS = lief._lief.dsc.PLATFORM.TVOS

Bases: object

DYLD_1042_1 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_1042_1
DYLD_195_5 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_195_5
DYLD_239_3 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_239_3
DYLD_360_14 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_360_14
DYLD_421_1 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_421_1
DYLD_832_7_1 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_832_7_1
DYLD_940 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_940
DYLD_95_3 = lief._lief.dsc.VERSION.DYLD_95_3
property arch lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.ARCH

Architecture targeted by this cache

property arch_name str

Name of the architecture targeted by this cache (x86_64h)

enable_caching(self, target_dir: str) None

When enabled, this function allows to record and to keep in cache, dyld shared cache information that are costly to access.

For instance, GOT symbols, rebases information, stub symbols, …

It is highly recommended to enable this function when processing a dyld shared cache several times or when extracting a large number of lief.dsc.Dylib with enhanced extraction options (e.g. lief.dsc.Dylib.extract_opt_t.fix_branches)

One can enable caching by calling this function:

dyld_cache = lief.dsc.load("macos-15.0.1/");

One can also enable this cache optimization globally using the function: lief.dsc.enable_cache() or by setting the environment variable DYLDSC_ENABLE_CACHE to 1.

property filename str

Filename of the dyld shared file associated with this object.

For instance: dyld_shared_cache_arm64e, dyld_shared_cache_arm64e.62.dyldlinkedit

property filepath str

Full path to the original dyld shared cache file associated with object (e.g. /cache/visionos/dyld_shared_cache_arm64e.42)

find_lib_from_name(self, name: str) lief.dsc.Dylib | None

Find the Dylib whose filename of lief.dsc.Dylib.path matches the provided name.

If multiple libraries have the same name (but with a different path), the first one matching the provided name is returned.

find_lib_from_path(self, path: str) lief.dsc.Dylib | None

Find the Dylib whose lief.dsc.Dylib.path matches the provided path.

find_lib_from_va(self, virtual_address: int) lief.dsc.Dylib | None

Find the lief.dsc.Dylib that encompasses the given virtual address. It returns None if a Dylib can’t be found.

flush_cache(self) None

Flush internal information into the on-disk cache (see: enable_caching())

from_files(files: list[str]) lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache | None = <nanobind.nb_func object>
from_path(path: str, arch: str) lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache | None = <nanobind.nb_func object>
property has_subcaches bool

True if the subcaches are associated with this cache

property libraries[lief.dsc.Dylib | None]

Return a list-like of the Dylib embedded in this dyld shared cache

property load_address int

Based address of this cache

property mapping_info[lief.dsc.MappingInfo | None]

Return a list-like of the MappingInfo embedded in this dyld shared cache

property platform lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.PLATFORM

Platform targeted by this cache (e.g. vision-os)

property subcaches[lief.dsc.SubCache | None]

Return a list-like of SubCache embedded in this (main) dyld shared cache

property version lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.VERSION

Version of dyld used by this cache


class lief.dsc.Dylib

Bases: object

This class represents a library embedded in a dyld shared cache. It mirrors the original dyld_cache_image_info structure.

property address int

In-memory address of the library

class extract_opt_t(self)

Bases: object

This structure is used to tweak the extraction process while calling lief.dsc.Dylib.get(). These options allow to deoptimize the dylib and get an accurate representation of the origin Mach-O binary.

property create_dyld_chained_fixup_cmd bool

Whether the LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS command should be (re)created.

If this value is not set, LIEF will add the command only if it’s meaningful regarding the other options

property fix_branches bool

Fix call instructions that target addresses outside the current dylib virtual space.


Enabling this option can have a significant impact on the performances. Make sure to enable the internal cache mechanism: lief.dsc.enable_cache() or lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.enable_caching()

property fix_memory bool

Fix memory accesses performed outside the dylib’s virtual space


Enabling this option can have a significant impact on the performances. Make sure to enable the internal cache mechanism: lief.dsc.enable_cache() or lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.enable_caching()

property fix_objc bool

Fix Objective-C information


Enabling this option can have a significant impact on the performances. Make sure to enable the internal cache mechanism: lief.dsc.enable_cache() or lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.enable_caching()

property fix_relocations bool

Recover and fix relocations


Enabling this option can have a significant impact on the performances. Make sure to enable the internal cache mechanism: lief.dsc.enable_cache() or lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache.enable_caching()

property pack bool

Whether the segment’s offsets should be packed to avoid an in-memory size while writing back the binary.


This option does not have an impact on the performances

get(self, opt: lief.dsc.Dylib.extract_opt_t) lief.MachO.Binary | None

Get a lief.MachO.Binary representation for this Dylib.

One can use this function to write back the Mach-O binary on the disk:

dyld_cache: lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache = ...
property inode int

File serial number matching stat.st_ino or 0

Note that for shared cache targeting iOS, this value can hold a hash of the path (if modtime is set to 0)

property modtime int

Modification time of the library matching stat.st_mtime, or 0

property padding int

Padding alignment value (should be 0)

property path str

Original path of the library (e.g. /usr/lib/libcryptex.dylib)


class lief.dsc.MappingInfo

Bases: object

This class represents a dyld_cache_mapping_info entry.

It provides information about the relationshiop between on-disk shared cache and in-memory shared cache.

property address int

The in-memory address where this dyld shared cache region is mapped

property end_address int

End virtual address of the region

property file_offset int

On-disk file offset

property init_prot int

Initial memory protection

property max_prot int

Max memory protection

property size int

Size of the region being mapped


class lief.dsc.SubCache

Bases: object

This class represents a subcache in the case of large/split dyld shared cache.

It mirror (and abstracts) the original dyld_subcache_entry / dyld_subcache_entry_v1

property cache lief.dsc.DyldSharedCache | None

The associated DyldSharedCache object for this subcache

property suffix str

The file name suffix of the subCache file (e.g., .03.development)

property uuid list[int]

The uuid of the subcache file

property vm_offset int

The offset of this subcache from the main cache base address