Check if the given LIEF::ELF::Binary is an OAT one.
Check if the given file is an OAT one.
Check if the given raw data is an OAT one.
Return the OAT version of the given LIEF::ELF::Binary.
Return the OAT version of the given file.
Return the OAT version of the raw data.
Return the ANDROID_VERSIONS associated with the given OAT version.
Public Types
Public Functions
Iterator over LIEF::DEX::File.
Iterator over LIEF::OAT::DexFile.
Iterator over LIEF::OAT::Class.
Check if the current OAT has the given class.
Return the LIEF::OAT::Class with the given name or a nullptr if the class can’t be found.
Return the LIEF::OAT::Class at the given index or a nullptr if it does not exist.
Iterator over LIEF::OAT::Method.
Public Types
Iterator type over.
Public Functions
OAT version.
Public Static Functions
Return the string value associated with the given key.
Public Functions
Public Functions
Public Types
Public Functions
Public Types
Container for the Quick Code.
Public Functions
Check if a LIEF::DEX::Method is associated with this Method.
LIEF::DEX::Method associated (if any)
True if the optimization is DEX.
Quick code associated with the method.