

lief.parse(*args) lief.Binary | None
lief.parse(filepath: str) lief._lief.Binary | None
lief.parse(obj: io.IOBase | os.PathLike) lief._lief.Binary | None

Overloaded function.

  1. parse(raw: bytes) -> Optional[lief._lief.Binary]

    Parse a binary supported by LIEF from the given bytes and return either:

    depending on the given binary format.

  2. parse(filepath: str) -> Optional[lief._lief.Binary]

    Parse a binary from the given file path and return either:

    depending on the given binary format.

  3. parse(obj: Union[io.IOBase | os.PathLike]) -> Optional[lief._lief.Binary]

    Parse a binary supported by LIEF from the given Python object and return either:

    depending on the given binary format.


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.OAT.Binary, lief._lief.ELF.Binary, lief._lief.PE.Binary, lief._lief.MachO.Binary, lief.Binary, lief._lief.Binary
class lief.Binary

Bases: Object

File format abstract representation.

This object represents the abstraction of an executable file format. It enables to access common features (like the entrypoint) regardless of the concrete format (e.g. lief.ELF.Binary.entrypoint)

class FORMATS(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

ELF = 1
OAT = 4
PE = 2
class VA_TYPES(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

AUTO = 0
RVA = 1
VA = 2
property abstract lief.Binary

Return the abstract representation of the current binary (lief.Binary)

assemble(self, address: int, assembly: str) bytes

Assemble and patch the provided assembly code at the specified address.

The function returns the generated assembly bytes.


bin.assemble(0x12000440, """
xor rax, rbx;
mov rcx, rax;
property concrete lief.ELF.Binary | lief.PE.Binary | lief.MachO.Binary

The concrete representation of the binary. Basically, this property cast a lief.Binary into a lief.PE.Binary, lief.ELF.Binary or lief.MachO.Binary.

See also: lief.Binary.abstract

property ctor_functions list[lief.Function]

Constructor functions that are called prior to any other functions

property debug_info lief.DebugInfo

Return debug info if present. It can be either a lief.dwarf.DebugInfo or a lief.pdb.DebugInfo

For ELF and Mach-O binaries, it returns the given DebugInfo object only if the binary embeds the DWARF debug info in the binary itself.

For PE file, this function tries to find the external PDB using the lief.PE.CodeViewPDB.filename output (if present). One can also use lief.pdb.load() to manually load a PDB.


This function requires LIEF’s extended version otherwise it always return None

disassemble(*args) Iterator[lief.assembly.Instruction | None]

Overloaded function.

  1. disassemble(self, address: int) -> Iterator[Optional[lief._lief.assembly.Instruction]]

    Disassemble code starting a the given virtual address.

    insts = binary.disassemble(0xacde, 100);
    for inst in insts:
  2. disassemble(self, address: int, size: int) -> Iterator[Optional[lief._lief.assembly.Instruction]]

    Disassemble code starting a the given virtual address and with the given size.

    insts = binary.disassemble(0xacde, 100);
    for inst in insts:
  3. disassemble(self, function_name: str) -> Iterator[Optional[lief._lief.assembly.Instruction]]

    Disassemble code for the given symbol name

    insts = binary.disassemble("__libc_start_main");
    for inst in insts:
disassemble_from_bytes(self, buffer: bytes, address: int) Iterator[lief.assembly.Instruction | None]

Disassemble code from the provided bytes

raw = bytes(binary.get_section(".text").content)
insts = binary.disassemble_from_bytes(raw);
for inst in insts:
property entrypoint int

Binary’s entrypoint

property exported_functions list[lief.Function]

Return the binary’s exported Function

property format lief.Binary.FORMATS

File format (FORMATS) of the underlying binary.

get_content_from_virtual_address(self, virtual_address: int, size: int, va_type: lief.Binary.VA_TYPES) memoryview

Return the content located at the provided virtual address. The virtual address is specified in the first argument and size to read (in bytes) in the second.

If the underlying binary is a PE, one can specify if the virtual address is a RVA or a VA. By default, it is set to AUTO.

get_function_address(self, function_name: str) int | lief.lief_errors

Return the address of the given function name

get_int_from_virtual_address(self, address: int, interger_size: int, type: lief.Binary.VA_TYPES) int | None

Get an integer representation of the data at the given address

get_symbol(self, symbol_name: str) lief.Symbol

Return the Symbol from the given name.

If the symbol can’t be found, it returns None.

property has_nx bool

Check if the binary has NX protection (non executable stack)

has_symbol(self, symbol_name: str) bool

Check if a Symbol with the given name exists

property header lief.Header

Binary’s abstract header (Header)

property imagebase int

Default image base (i.e. if the ASLR is not enabled)

property imported_functions list[lief.Function]

Return the binary’s imported Function (name)

property is_pie bool

Check if the binary is position independent

class it_relocations

Bases: object

Iterator over lief._lief.Relocation

class it_sections

Bases: object

Iterator over lief._lief.Section

class it_symbols

Bases: object

Iterator over lief._lief.Symbol

property libraries list[str | bytes]

Return binary’s imported libraries (name)

offset_to_virtual_address(self, offset: int, slide: int) int | lief.lief_errors

Convert an offset into a virtual address.

property original_size int

Original size of the binary

patch_address(*args) None

Overloaded function.

  1. patch_address(self, address: int, patch_value:[int], va_type: lief._lief.Binary.VA_TYPES = VA_TYPES.AUTO) -> None

    Patch the address with the given list of bytes. The virtual address is specified in the first argument and the content in the second (as a list of bytes).

    If the underlying binary is a PE, one can specify if the virtual address is a RVA or a VA. By default, it is set to AUTO.

  2. patch_address(self, address: int, patch_value: int, size: int = 8, va_type: lief._lief.Binary.VA_TYPES = VA_TYPES.AUTO) -> None

    Patch the address with the given integer value. The virtual address is specified in the first argument, the integer in the second and the integer’s size of in third one.

    If the underlying binary is a PE, one can specify if the virtual address is a RVA or a VA. By default, it is set to AUTO.

property relocations lief.Binary.it_relocations

Return an iterator over abstract Relocation

remove_section(self, name: str, clear: bool) None

Remove the section with the given name

property sections lief.Binary.it_sections

Return an iterator over the binary’s abstract sections (Section)

property symbols lief.Binary.it_symbols

Return an iterator over the binary’s abstract Symbol

xref(self, virtual_address: int) list[int]

Return all virtual addresses that use the address given in parameter


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.Section, lief._lief.MachO.Section, lief._lief.ELF.Section, lief._lief.PE.Section, lief.Section
class lief.Section

Bases: Object

Class which represents an abstracted section

property content memoryview

Section’s content

property entropy float

Section’s entropy

property fullname bytes

Return the fullname of the section including the trailing bytes

property name str | bytes

Section’s name

property offset int

Section’s file offset

search(*args) int | None

Overloaded function.

  1. search(self, number: int, pos: int = 0, size: int = 0) -> Optional[int]

Look for integer within the current section

  1. search(self, str: str, pos: int = 0) -> Optional[int]

Look for string within the current section

  1. search(self, bytes: bytes, pos: int = 0) -> Optional[int]

Look for the given bytes within the current section

search_all(*args) list[int]

Overloaded function.

  1. search_all(self, number: int, size: int = 0) -> list[int]

Look for all integers within the current section

  1. search_all(self, str: str) -> list[int]

Look for all strings within the current section

property size int

Section’s size

property virtual_address int

Section’s virtual address


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.Symbol, lief.Symbol, lief._lief.Function, lief._lief.MachO.Symbol, lief.Function, lief._lief.PE.ExportEntry, lief._lief.PE.ImportEntry, lief._lief.PE.Symbol, lief._lief.PE.DelayImportEntry, lief._lief.ELF.Symbol
class lief.Symbol

Bases: Object

This class represents a symbol in an executable format.

property name str | bytes

Symbol’s name

property size int

Symbol’s size

property value int

Symbol’s value


Inheritance diagram of lief._lief.MachO.RelocationDyld, lief._lief.Relocation, lief._lief.ELF.Relocation, lief._lief.MachO.RelocationFixup, lief._lief.PE.RelocationEntry, lief._lief.MachO.RelocationObject, lief.Relocation, lief._lief.MachO.Relocation
class lief.Relocation

Bases: Object

Class which represents an abstracted Relocation

property address int

Relocation’s address

property size int

Relocation’s size (in bits)


class lief.Function(self)
class lief.Function(self, arg: str, /)
class lief.Function(self, arg: int, /)
class lief.Function(self, arg0: str, arg1: int, /)

Bases: Symbol

Class which represents a Function in an executable file format.

class FLAGS(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Flag

NONE = 0
from_value(arg: int) lief.Function.FLAGS = <nanobind.nb_func object>
add(self, flag: lief.Function.FLAGS) lief.Function

Add the given FLAGS

property address int

Function’s address

property flags lief.Function.FLAGS

Function flags

property flags_list list[lief.Function.FLAGS]

Function flags as a list of FLAGS

has(self, flag: lief.Function.FLAGS) bool

Check if the function has the given flag